both girls nodded. yewon went out first while yerin stayed, pecking eunbi's forehead and mumbling "i love you" before leaving the room, the click of the door sindicating that yewon and yerin were gone.

and she couldn't help it.

eunbi screamed.


"is eunbi okay?" sojung's voice was laced with worry as she spoke through the phone.

"she's okay. but -" she paused, hearing eunbi scream again. yerin closed her eyes to stop herself from crying, forcing an intake of breath before speaking, "she wants to be alone for a while. does the whole campus know what's happening?"

yerin heard a soft thud before she heard the girl answer, "yeah. the news leaked last night and the students are signing a petition to kick jackson off the school. it's chaos i tell you. his fangirls are in shock and none of them went to their classes today. his friends were being questioned by the police if they knew about jackson's possesion of illegal drugs and abuse to eunbi. a guy called hoseok from the dance department was so mad as well as the rest of the dance crew. they demanded to know where jackson is before some senior calmed hoseok down." sojung breathed before continuing, "eunha's shaking like mad. she's worried for eunbi's health. i can't believe something like this has been happening. . ."

yerin sighed softly. she was so tired, so angry. her emotions becoming confusing and her head hurt a bit from staying up for so long.

after eunbi was sent to the hospital with both the girls with her, the police immediately pulled yewon and yerin aside for questioning.

yerin filled the police on what was happening and how jackson abused eunbi almost every single day and how he drank beer everyday.

yewon was silent, but when the police asked her what she was doing in the scene, she answered all the questions thrown at her and told the police that jackson almost killed the both of them.

the police promised that they are keeping jackson in one of their cells and isn't going to walk freely any time soon, informing them that students from the school also submitted videos of him in bars and drinking some unknown pill at the boys' restroom.

the interview took almost three hours and yerin was drained. she hadn't got any rest since she went out that day. but yerin thought that eunbi was more tired than her, as well as yewon.

so she mantained a positive smile, hiding the fact that she was so scared, so angry and so so tired.

"i can't believe that jackson would do that to her. just because he saw a photo of both of us. . ." she gritted her teeth, massaging her forehead in frustration. just thinking about what happened makes her blood boil and yerin just wanted to curse his whole being. "the bastard. fucking asshole." yerin sighed once again before saying goodbye to the girl on the phone, not waiting for her reply and ending the call, her left hand gripping the phone tightly, yewon feared that it might snap in half.

the girl flinched when she heard the older curse. yerin didn't curse unless it was something serious or if she was really angry and hearing her older friend curse the douchebag made her think that she was really angry.

yewon gripped yerin's shirt lightly, snapping her out of her reverie and she smiled slightly.

"is there something wrong?" yerin asked, her eyes soft and kind. yewon shook her head before answering,

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