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Thank you all so much for reading the previous chapter of this story, and I hope that you enjoyed it!

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Please remember, that the more votes I receive, the sooner I will update for you guys!

All my love x


"Just to confirm, you will be coming in every evening from Monday through to Friday, at six o'clock, and your shifts will go until nine 0'clock, unless I ask you to stay for cleaning purposes, or for the first week, during which training after hours will most likely be necessary, in which case that will be an extra hour or two, after your shift is over."

"Thank you, once again for this opportunity, Monsieur Frederïc," I cooed, in barely a whisper, but still as confidently as I could. "I will prove myself worthy, Monsieur."

"Not a problem, Mademoiselle, we will see how you perform during your first week of training and working, and from then I will decide whether or not it is time to move you to a higher level of work. Perhaps even in one of the VIP lounges."

The thought of working alone in the VIP lounges of this run-down bar in the centre of town, during the evening, did not sit well with me, however the thought of saving Asher was far more prominent in my mind and gave me the confidence to accept the offer, regardless of the accompanying consequences that a seventeen year old, young lady may encounter at such a place, during such a time.

"Thank you for your kindness and gratitude, Monsieur, you are helping me a great deal, I cannot thank you enough," I continued to praise and thank the kind middle-aged man, who was kind enough to offer me a job at his bar and café, Taverne de Frederïc, despite the fact that no help was originally wanted, nor needed.

"I shall see you here just prior to your first shift tomorrow evening, Madamoiselle, until then," he greeted me, taking his dusty hat from his head and gesturing towards me, as if to show that he is attempting to bow, however, I felt a pang of guilt rush through my body, realizing that I was indebted to this man, and therefore I should have been the one bowing in his presence.

After returning his bow with my own, and thanking Monsieur Frederïc once again, I turned on my heels, and made my way towards the tavern's doors, lifting my coat higher around my neck, and preparing to enter the rain once again.

As I entered the rain, I looked to both my left and right, searching for the nearest shop in which to buy groceries, spotting one a few blocks away from where I was standing, on my far right.

Now that I knew that I would have a job, at least for the upcoming week, I would earn enough to cover my essential needs for a while, whilst still saving some to get Asher back. With that thought comforting my mind, I allowed myself to make my way through the grocery store, buying just enough food to get me through the week, and tea, of course, because nobody could survive this winter without tea. I made sure to pick out only what I knew my mind would agree with, as I moved along the isles. Black tea, green tea, chamomile tea, lettuce, mini carrots, a single cucumber, one loaf of whole-wheat bread, an avocado, and the smallest chicken available.

Much to my dismay, the total of my minute grocery list, came to be just under eleven euros. I took that as a sign of two things. Firstly, if I continued to spend my money, I would finish all the money my mother had left for me before the week was completed, and secondly, it was the universe's way of telling me that I didn't need to eat all that much, because I needed to lose weight.

Whilst waiting for my groceries to be rung up, I glanced down at my body, catching a glimpse of my thighs, feeling bile making its way further up my esophagus, the further up my body my eyes travelled.

Fat, that's what I was, and I knew that. I believed that, with every cell in my body.

I had once tried to argue with my thoughts, but after hearing the word spat in my face countless times, by Fleur and her friends, I learned to see myself for the way I truly looked... fat.


As I made my way towards the entrance of the Motel I was currently calling my home, I came face to face with a man almost twice my size. He towered over me, holding a strong glare on his hard features and he wore a black suit, a black tie, and black sunglasses.

"What do you think you're doing Miss," the deep, bellowing voice of the large man called in my direction, causing me to cower, and take multiple small steps backwards.

"I-I am staying at this motel, Sir," I responded, the fear evident in my shaking voice.

"Show me your room key," the mysterious man commanded, and immediately I reached into the pocket of my coat and raised the rusted key up, to show the man.

"Very well," the mysterious man responded, moving over to his left side, to make way for me to enter into the run-down Motel. 

"Good Evening, Mademoiselle," I was greeted. This time, the voice calling in my direction belonged to a female, and as I looked up from my feet, I felt a wave of relief rush over my body, noticing that the voice belonged merely to the rugged old lady, who worked behind her rugged desk.

"Evening, Mademoiselle," I smiled, returning the kind gesture.

However, just as I was about to make my way towards the staircase, I figured that it could do no harm for me to ask the strange, old lady behind the desk if she knew anything about the mysterious, scary man blocking the entry way.

I turned back around and walked up to the old lady who was now slouching in her seat, looking into a cracked circular mirror, smearing more lipstick than necessary onto her already well painted lips.

"Uh, Madam," I spoke softly, along with a cough, in order to try and catch her attention.

"Yes, my dear?" She responded, a sweet smile softening the old lady's harsh features.

"Oh, I was just wondering about something. On my way into the Motel, there was a tall man wearing all black blocking the entrance..." I spoke my thoughts, hoping that she would catch on to the question I still had lingering in my mind.

"Oh, that, my dear, is a body guard. There is someone very special passing through this Motel soon," she explained, her eyes lighting up as she did so. From the expression on her face, it was clear that nothing exciting had occurred at the venue of this old Motel in a very long time, that is, until now, of course.

Now I understood the purpose of the body guard, but although my original question had been answered, I now had a new one beginning to surface. Who could be so special that they needed a body guard to protect them?


Thank you guys so much for reading!

Ps. If you don't understand, the italics are used for thoughts, titles, sarcasm and important information.

Please please please!!! Remember to vote, because the more votes I see, the sooner you can all expect an update from me!

How about we try for 7 votes yeah? Xxx

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