Still stunned, she replied, "Madam, there is absolutely no need to apologize for anything."

"Okay, but do you mind? I'll be serving the meals whenever my husband is around."

"Of course not. I believe as you have said, with time, I'll get used to living here, and they'll get used to me."

"I hope I'm didn't come out harsh or rude?" Munirah probed further.

"Not at all. Your wish is my command." Sarah reassured with a small bow as she stepped aside from were she was, preparing the trays.

"You can go for now, when we're done and gone, Yusra will inform you so you'll clear the dishes and clean your portion."

"Okay. What about stocking?"

"Its not now but in the evening, and when the truck arrives, Yusra or Fa'iza will take you through the process."

"Okay." With that, she turned and walked out of the kitchen, then dashed across the rooms to the main door, so she wouldn't have to face any of the family members.


Yusra, Fa'iza and Sarah were walking on the pavement, at the side of a main road. They decided to walk to the bank instead of taking a tricycle or a cab or a bus, so that they could talk all the way. But they had been wise enough to take extra money, apart from the bank charges, in case they were too tired to walk back home. They had asked Huda if she wanted to come so it would be a kind of platform to know their new colleague better, but she had declined with a face, its features being etched with disinterest, combined with feigned disgust, stating that if Sarah was going, she wasn't coming along. The three of them had laughed, for her face looked funny, and the entire situation was amusing. They were going to open Sarah's bank account!

What Huda didn't understand was that, all of them were workers and none of Munirah's sons could think of loving them, for they were in different classes. Elites and masses.

"So you finished secondary school?" Fa'iza asked Sarah as they crossed the road, after looking left then right.

They were now walking on the sidewalk of another road, which was smaller than the one prior to it.

"Yes I finished secondary school. The insurgence became widespread after my graduation. I applied to a uni in the state, but the whole education process was disturbed, so I couldn't continue further." Sarah replied as they walked straight ahead, hand in hand.

"Oh, that was in the northeast right?"


"Are you from that zone?"

"Actually, I'm half from the southwest, half from the northeast."

"That's really cool." Yusra commented.

"Yeah really. I like being part of both zones. Both cultures are amazing." Sarah replied.

"How did it happen? From your grandparents or parents?"

"My dad was from Lagos state, but he was posted to serve their. It was during his service they met. And to top that, the company he served in retained him. So he thought why not? Let him just stay there since mum's parents didn't like the idea of her living across the country." Sarah stated recalling when her father was telling her about it. Oh how she missed her family.

Yusra was overwhelmed hearing this for tribalism was a common thing. "And their was no tribalism of any sort?"

"No, not at all. That is one of the advantages of the service program."

The service program in Nigeria, is a one year compulsory service, outside your geopolitical zone. It is usually done after uni but some might postpone it till when its certificate is needed.

"My parents story is the opposite of yours. My mum's from the southern part of the country but served here in the north central. This is where she met my dad." Fa'iza stated.

By now they had reached the bank, meaning they had to stop their conversation as they released their hands, which they had been holding and entered the security doors.


Around three 'o' clock in the afternoon of the next day, Fa'iza, Huda, Yusra and Sarah were sitting with Umm Hakeem in the large garden. Yusra had told Sarah that she loved this moments, because they got to interact with Umm Hakeem, and it kind of filled the void in her heart. The void which was caused by the absence of her family especially her mom, which she was only allowed to visit once a month. In this moments, they talked to her about issues concerning them as females and sometimes she just lectured them on some topics in in the issues. This moments were seldom, but they existed nonetheless.

Today was no difference. Everything usually started as a random respectful talk, but it was no news that it always turned out motherly and educative.

"Preparing your cycle calendar is easy. It includes the time of ovulation and pregnancy, though you don't all seem to need that now." she gave a small smile before she continued. All you have to do for predicting the next period is, mark the day you start a period,..." And she explained every single detail about it. When she was done, she moved to explaining how to calculate the time for ovulation, including high and medium chances of pregnancy. The four of them listened attentively, asking questions whenever they had any.

When they were done with the talk, it was almost four pm.

"So I hope it will come in handy for all of you at the right times." She concluded. She then checked the time on her mobile phone. "Girls, its time for Asr, let the ones among us who can pray get going. As for those who are not praying, enjoy the little rest of your free time." She smiled and got up, gesturing for those who could pray to follow.

Sarah smiled after the little lecture. Umm Hakeem could surely fill in as a sweet motherly figure in anybody's life. She was motherly and had a friendly fun side to it. And for Sarah, she'll appreciate any who could come in as that. She had been feeling happy and contented in this place; the food, shelter, friends, even work which was an essential part of everyone's life. And now she had gotten a potential mother. She was really enjoying her stay. She broke out of her thoughts when Umm Hakeem gave a loud ear piercing scream. She had her phone pressed to her in a phone call.

"Is it the same hospital?" She asked breathlessly, directing the question to the person on the other end.

The trio, which were walking behind her and other workers from their respective positions, looked at her with expectation, concern and shock.

"My son Sulaiman has been rushed to the hospital again." She said between sobs as she ended the call. She quickly ran towards the quarters, performed her Asr salah and rushed to the hospital in question.

"Ya Allah, please help her." Sarah prayed after her Asr salah.

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