Drosera Rotundifolia

Start from the beginning

"I sure do miss Chicago." She paused to look out the kitchen window, thinking how she much preferred "The Windy City" over what she termed "The Foggy City."

"But it's not like she misses me," Barbara concluded, crumpling the newspaper in frustration.


The library was located in Midtown, a good distance from her house. The trolley would take her to the entrance of Robinson Park and then she would have to cut across the park to get to the library. The library was peculiarly located within the park, near the west edge. From there, one could see the Gotham City Police Department Headquarters right across the street.

As well as the newly refurbished Wayne Tower.

Once she arrived at the park, she hopped off the trolley, checking her watch for the time. It was 10:30.

She was right on time.

A smile crossed her lips as she tossed her hair behind her neck. Her newly-gifted earrings from Detective Bullock sparkled, reflecting the hazy sun from above.

However, her smile instantly fell when she stepped foot into the park's entrance. To the left side of the wide path was a cell of parked police cars with their respective officers accompanying them. They had blocked off that area and forbade the concerned crowd from entering. Barbara's eyes shifted from the mass to the row of trees marked with police tape. Taking a few steps closer, she searched for her dad among the many investigators.

Her eyes landed on him and she immediately stopped in her tracks. He was beside Detective Bullock and Detective Essen, all three of their faces stern and grave.

Knowing it was time for her to leave before he saw her, she turned on her heel only to be stopped by Officer Bard.

"Barbara? What are you doing here?" His eyes widened at the sight of her. "Does your dad know you're here?"

"No, and I intend to keep it that way. Good luck with the investigation." She walked off, not allowing him the chance to respond. However, James had caught sight of his daughter as her back was turned.

The walk around the park had severely delayed her. Robinson Park was a huge park and even with a brisk walk, Barbara arrived at the library over half an hour later.

"I'm here to volunteer," She stated breathlessly to the elderly librarian at the Information desk.

"Oh, Barbara Gordon? I'm so delighted you're here. I've been waiting for you." The librarian beamed. "I was becoming concerned you weren't going to show."

"I apologize for being late. The-The entrance was blocked off because of the murder and I had to walk around." Barbara had finally regained her breath.

"Such a horrid thing." The woman shook her head.

"Yes. I didn't know it happened so close," Barbara said this more to herself than to the other woman.

"It's very frightening to think about. But this city has become so sinful and godless of late that it's not surprising. And the police sure aren't helping."

Barbara pretended not to be insulted by this comment, keeping her smile on her face as she nodded.

"Well, there's no use wasting time on this anymore. I have plenty of assignments for you. No one has volunteered here in years, so I'm very grateful you're here." The librarian rose to her feet, motioning for the girl to follow her. She led her to a circulation desk piled with books both old and new.

"I know this might take a while, but if you could organize these as much as possible that will be fine." The librarian wrung her hands.

"No, no, it's fine. I can stay as long as possible," Barbara assured.

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