Chapter 87

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As i waited for any news from the doctors about my baby and of course my baby boy that looked dead, i couldn't hold back any tears as i let them fall.

Crying out of one eye isn't a problem since it's less tears to wipe away but having one eye and so much tears run out of it was just hard to cover. I bit my lip looking down at my hands that were tangled in the hems of my shirt.

The shirt that harry had bought me for our honeymoon, the shirt that had gotten dirty when fucking my harry hard against a hotel mattress.

I squeezed my eye shut as i took a deep breath to steady myself so i wouldn't start to freak out about losing my harry and this baby. 


I looked up seeing nothing but the tears that were trapped, sniffing away the liquids that were about to run out of my nose and standing up to meet the doctor face to face. 

''Please tell me their both ok please?''

I begged while letting my fingers lace together trying to actually believe that there's a god up there to help my dark angel and my baby live.

I closed my eye while he letting the doctor that's fucking taking his sweet time in front of me,

''Can you just please tell me what's going on instead of taking your time like your the one upset.''

I gritted through my teeth as he looked shocked about what i was saying but right now i don't give a flying fuck on what he's thinking about me. 

''Well Malik, seems like your son is doing just fine and Harry your husband? He's doing fine as well but just dealing with the stitches, he was a bit torn from giving birth but he should be doing better in a few hours.''

I looked over to the door where i had left, where i had last seen my baby, the man behind that door is alive and in pain which i should be in there right now comforting him.

''May i go see him please? I need to see him i just need to.''

I couldn't help feeling excited and sad at the same time, i need to see him or i'm gonna die from all these feelings. 

''Let me just check up on him and see if he wants anyone to see him right now since he's just been through so much.''

I quickly nodded while hopping on my heels feeling like a little boy getting ready to go into some game room.

''I'll be right back to let you know what he wants.''

I chuckled under my breath knowing that harry would want to see but lets just let this doctor feel like he's doing something. 

''Thank you so much for everything doc, i'm grateful for everything you've guys done for harry, my baby, and i. Even though i'm not the one in pain but i couldn't stand thinking i would lose my love.''

I put my head down trying to hold back another wave of tears.I waited about 5 more minutes thinking that maybe harry doesn't want to see me right now since nobody came back to let me know.

I sat down looking at the other people around me, some crying, some smiling, and some that just look as if they want to die. 

''Malik your husband would like to see you now and i'm sorry for having you wait, we just needed to check his blood and change his I.V but he should be good now.''

I thanked the doctor again while finally taking a steady breath and making my way inside the cold room, right there.....Was my harry holding out new born baby, the baby we made together, the baby i got to name.

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