Chapter 58

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After asking Marcel out and having him agree, i feel like i could forget about harry for good. Well somethings up though, this Marcel sounds so familiar by the way he was cussing and giving attitude to me like i was some kind of creep.

I don't know about this Marcel guy though, i mean he's cute and all but he's nothing like harry with the looks. I did look down to watch his arse move while he walked away and let me say, An arse like that shouldn't be single which is why he probably reminds me of harry since i watched his arse all the time.

I didn't even realize i was in front of Niall's house until i heard some little Irish voice calling my name, which of course i knew who it was. 

''Hey Niall, guess what? I got a fucking job mate.''

I laughed while watching his smile fall, wait what the fuck. Why's he so upset? Isn't he the one that wanted me to get a job in the first place?

''I thought you would be happy for me niall, so whats wrong?''

I crossed my arms, while feeling the cold air hit my face and making me shiver.

''Ok don't tell me yet, can we go in?''

I started walking past his pale body when he stopped me then smirked. 

''I seen you talking to that nerdy guy, whats the deal with that?''

He asked while laughing but still following me inside. I chuckled while shrugging my leather jacket off that was given to me by harry before everything horrible started, wait why do i still have this fucking thing?

I ignored my thoughts and sat comfortably on the sofa that Niall had bought when i moved down here to live with him and start a new and improved life.

''Hello, are you gonna tell me about that guy or what?''

I felt the side of the couch dip as niall sat next to me smiling like a crazy man. I rolled my eye knowing that he didn't see since he's been the only person to try and ignore the fact that i now have one eye, but i'm gonna soon get a glass one. 

''Well, i went out to get coffee like i said i would but saw Marcel the nerdy guy which just brought me back to thinking about Harry. You already know that i dream about him Niall, well this Marcel guy kind of looks like him in a way.''

I put my head in my shaky hands as i tried to hold back tears from the days Harry and i would at least have fun or the fact that he would keep bugging to top which we both knew where it would end, him underneath me while i pounded that sweet arse of his.

I shook my head from the memories as niall rubbed my back trying to comfort me which now i feel weak for crying in front of him. 

''It's alright zayn, just let it all out. I know how much you loved him and cared for his feelings but it's over now. He tried to kill you and you need to start a new life without him in it, so give this nice lad Marcel a chance yea?''

I took a deep breath while slowly letting little puff's of air out and looking back at Niall who was giving me a concerned look. 

''You're right Niall, i should fucking move on and forget about the man i loved and gave myself to for the first time. Look i will always love harry no matter what, but like i said if i ever see him, i'm gonna hurt him more then i've hurt anyone in my entire life.''

I got up and stretched my sore muscles out and looked down to see blue eyes glaring right up at me.

''I love harry but i'm gonna take this Marcel guy out and make sure he has a great time, oh and by the way. He reminds me so much like Harry from his attitude to his looks for some reason.''

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