Chapter 26

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I tried to sleep but my mind was still stuck on the events that zayn and I did together. So he was never a virgin to begin with? I did so many things for him to get love back but everything he did was fake, shit even those fucking Green Day tickets were fake.

I knew they would be since my sister looked them up online and seen that these damn tickets didn't have the date or the time of the concert, either zayn didn't know or that was planned, now to think about it, it was a plan.

I'm kind of slow also, and zayn must have known that since so many tutors actually go to my school like the nerds there, even though i made them do most my homework.

I never though someone would actually be brave enough to screw me over, I blinked the tears out of my eyes that were so close to falling from the side of my face when there was a little tap on my window, what the fuck. I sat up looking at the closed curtains, who the hell's throwing shit at my window. 

I got up looking at my bedroom door to see it was still dark in the hallway from when Gemma turned the lights off to go to bed. I got up making my way to the window, after pulling the curtains open, i seen the last person i would have never wanted to see ever!

He was standing right in front of his window looking at me with sad in his eyes, lies he's playing it out once again, probably to try to get  me to forgive him and make up with some kind of sex. I couldn't show any emotion, i couldn't let him see me so weak and upset, so i did the only thing that i know would get him to leave me the hell alone.

I flipped him off while telling him that he's dead, which means that to me his dead and never did exist. I closed my curtains and threw myself on my worn out mattress, well at least when i get paid next week i could buy a bed finally.

I could hear my phone vibrating on the night stand were i had left it, i got up and grabbed the object while looking at the text from Ed.

Ed: Hey Haz, you doing ok?

Haz: I'm fine just needed to come home for awhile with Gemma

Ed: She told me about your hand and coming home seeing that my mirror is shattered i guess that answers the question i was gonna ask earlier haha

Haz: yea sorry about the mate, i was just so pissed off

Ed: its alright, i'm not mad seeing that my house is a little crappy anyways

Haz: I'll buy you a pocket mirror when i get paid ;)

Ed: ooooh yes cause i'm sooooo pretty i need a mirror in my pocket with some lipstick

Haz: Yep :) anyways i'm gonna be at work tomorrow night so go and bring something for me to eat

Ed: what do you want?

Haz: just a hamburger 

Ed: Alright and you want me to pick you up or your gonna eat there?

Haz: Just eat at work and walk home

Ed: you can't possibly be thinking on walking home at night?

Haz: I've done it many time when i would go to your house and from your house dumbarse

Ed: well ok then but if you need a ride don't be afraid to call and ask ;)

Haz: like i'd be scared to ask anyone anything haha

Ed: i know, i'm just fucking with you mate

Haz: well i'm gonna get some sleep, my eyes are killing me

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