Chapter 33

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I can't fucking believe harry would fuck everything up for me and this place, i had been going there for years and that's where i can relax and think about old memories about my father and mum and how they use to be happy and loving each other.

I groaned while banging my head on the steering wheel, why would he even think about saying something if he even told me that he would try to keep his mouth shut if something is bugging him but no he had to open that big fucking mouth of his and embarrass me like that. I looked out my car window while looking back at the cafe that i left harry in, but something seemed wrong, he wasn't at the table inside by the window i slapped and left him at.

I looked closer to make sure he was just in the bathroom, while watching the door to the men's room open and close for a few minutes but no harry. I looked down at my cell thinking if i should text him to come out and i'll take him home, which i mean my house since i did say that my house is his. 

Zayn: Baby come to the car please

Still no reply, is he really that mad at me for slapping him, i mean yea i would be mad at myself to. I did indeed slap him pretty hard just for his little outburst, damn i really fucked this up and tomorrow is our date at the zoo and for me to surprise him with his gift.

I looked down at my cell but there was still no text from my baby, fucking shit where the hell is he.

I jumped out of my car and ran inside since the snow was hitting pretty hard now, i looked around the cafe seeing if i could find my tall tattooed boyfriend, but nothing helped seeing that people were staring at me with disgust. What the fuck is going on here? I looked at each person only to be met with anger in their eyes and some whispers were actually rude.

'isn't he that gay guy that cried while running out? 

'No thats the one that slapped the guy that ran outside crying

Then it hit me, FUCKING HARRY RAN OUTSIDE TO WALK HOME BECAUSE OF ME! I ran out in the cold air and looked around the breezy air and the snow that was hitting the floor as it froze some of the windows to the cars that were out for awhile.

I couldn't even see through all this fucking snow, no no no my haz can't be out walking by himself in this cold, something bad could happen to him or maybe something bad had already happened seeing that he still hasn't texted me. I took my phone out and texted him again. 


I ran to my car and started up the engine while backing out of the parking lot and onto the iced street, looking from side to side to see if i could find a tall figure walking by himself.

Ok just keep calm zayn just keep fucking calm, harry's ok i know he is, he's a strong and brave boy that'll take good care of himself while alone. But then again he is also weak and vulnerable from what i seen a few times and the fact that i made him cry AGAIN.

I'm the most horrible boyfriend the world could even have. I promised him that i would never lay a finger on him unless it was inside of him, but there's no time for talking or thinking nasty when my baby is out there in the cold and dangerous streets, the fact that he's also walking were its all woods.

I finally ended up getting a text which made me stop the car and park on the side of the road, only to make sure i don't block any other cars that need to get by.

Harry: What do you want zayn? Leave me alone i'm going to MY house not yours

Zayn: Baby look i'm sorry ok, to be honest i didn't take the pills because i thought spending time with you would help me get over the fact that i'm a fucking freak, please baby i'm sorry

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