Chapter Thirty.

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"Alright ladies let's movie it!" Christian yelled.

I love having a nephew, he's my little sidekick and I can get him to do almost I ask him to. Today he's acting as my assistant because Marcus had to go take care of some business at his gym. So Christian and I are training the girls today. It's a beautiful sunny day here in Beverly Hills and the girls are swimming some laps in the pool. Christian and I chilling in our lounge chairs while the girls work. Bri has locked herself in the studio and completely submerged herself into making of her album. She's allowed me to come in a few times and her a few samples and I'm very impressed with the stuff she's come up with. I can't wait until the album comes out, I'm predicting it's going straight number one.

"Come on ladies put your backs into it!" Christian yelled.

The girls started morning and groaning then I took the megaphone. "You heard the man put your back into!" I yelled.

"But Y/N..." Normani said.

"Don't but Y/N me, swim as if your life depends on it." I said. I got up and walked to the edge of the pool. "You think your job is because you got our label to start treating you like a priority. Your fight is just beginning."

"Tell em unc!" Christian said.

"You've only taken down one pope to in this fight to success now you gotta take on the real giants. The naysayers, the haters, the people who say you ladies have lost it. Camila thinks she's popping right now, she left y'all high and dry when you least expected. Lauren, she started to be the little rebel, she let her overinflated ego and sorry, disrespectful ass boyfriend come in between you guys. She says the group won't survive without her, guess what, you guys are better off without her and you're gonna prove her wrong." I said.

"Say that!" Christian said.

"Let all of this negative and hate be the fuel the powers your through this journey that you're about to embark on." I said.

"Oh that'll preach." Christian said.

"Now I've said my peace, Christian, give em a A and B selection." I said.

I handed Christian the megaphone and he stood on top of the chair, "I got a song, like to hear it, here it go." He said.

Christian hit his Saturday night fever poses and started singing Eye of The Tiger. I sat back and put my sunglasses while my little man did his thing. Looks like Christian and I's pep talk worked because they were starting to swim harder and faster. I texted Bri to see how she was doing and she said her session was going extremely well. I opened my laptop and went on YouTube and looked up Normani's Dancing With The Stars videos. Ally keeps telling me that she killed it when she was on there and that I should check it out so that's what I'm doing.

All I know about Normani's DWTS journey is that she was the best one on there and she came in third place and football player that no one has heard of won the whole thing. I always heard that Simon Biles got sent home too early and Heather Morris went home after getting a perfect score. I'm not a fan of that show because the people that deserve to win never win. If they asked me to do it, I'd have to think long and hard about it.

As I'm watching these videos I was just in awe at how amazing Normani looked on the dance floor. If someone didn't know Normani they'd think she was a professional ballroom dancer because she made the choreography look so easy and she looked so graceful while she was doing it. I'm gonna be honest, I got a little emotional while watching her contemporary performance because of the backstory about the bullying. What Normani went through with the cyber bullying situation hurt my heart. I just wish they would let my baby be and show her beautiful black girl magic.

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