Chapter Three.

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I want my Manibear back!

It's been awhile week since I saw her and I'm going crazy. We've been texting and facetiming every chance we get so that's cool. But I need to see her up close and personal so I can get my kisses and hugs.

Since Normani's been gone I've stayed in the gym constantly. It may sound boring to you but it keep me out of trouble and it allows me to keep my body in tip top shape. The fight is two months away and I need to be in the best shape of my life if I'm gonna beat Floyd. I've checked the stats and the odds of me beating Floyd slim to none but that's okay. Growing up I had the cards stacked against me but in the end I came out on top and the same thing is gonna happen once I step into the ring with Floyd in two months.

I woke up this morning and ate a very healthy and nutritious breakfast. I had a green smoothie, an egg white omelet loaded with vegetables, and a bowl of fruit. After breakfast I went down to my in-home gym ran five miles on the treadmill, lifted some weights, planks, jump rope, and did some pull-ups.  Once I worked out in the gym I changed into my swim trunk and got in the pool to swim some laps. I like to swim because it helps me stretch out my muscles more than basic gym class stretches do.

After my swim I took a shower to rinse the chlorine off me then I called up my personal masseuse so I could get a massage. When that massage was over I went into the kitchen to eat lunch. While Dex, my personal chef was hooking up my meal I got a call from my baby.

"Hey Manibear." I said.

"Hi Y/N." Normani said.

"Please tell me you're back in LA." I said.

Normani giggled, "Yes I am back in LA and I am so glad to be back because I missed you." She said.

"I missed you too baby girl, I saw you and the girls on GMA and you looked gorgeous in that snakeskin dress." I said.

"Stop you got me blushing over here." Y/N said.

"Why do you come over to my place so I can see that beautiful smile of yours up close?" I asked.

"Can you wait two more hours?" Normani asked.

I groaned and pretended to fake cry, "Yeah I can wait two more hours. I'll text you my address and whenever you're ready just come through." I said.

"Okay, I'll see you later." Normani said.

"Don't keep me waiting forever." I said.

"I won't." Normani said.

I set my phone on the counter and started off into space for a minute, the only thing that was on my mind was Normani. Dex was talking to me but I couldn't hear a word he was saying. He snapped his fingers in front of my face and I came out of my trance.

"You said something?" I asked.

"Yeah your lunch is ready. Quinoa bowl with grilled chicken breast and roasted vegetables." Dex said.

"Thank you very much and you can go home now." I said.

"Say no more, see you later boss." Dex said.

I grabbed a bottle of water out of the refrigerator and took my quinoa bowl into the living room. I propped my feet up on the couch and turned on the tv. Since Normani is in the biggest girl group in the world I figured I check out some of their music videos. I pulled up YouTube on my tv and searched Fifth Harmony, I clicked on Miss Movin and began my 5H music video marathon.

I gotta be honest Fifth Harmony's music was some teenage bubblegum pop shit that I wouldn't listen to. After listening to the entire Better Together EP I ventured into the Reflection era that's when things started to change a little bit. Normani definitely changed during that era. That outfit she had on in the Worth It video had me shook. I watched the rest of the videos from that album before listening to the songs that didn't have music videos.

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