Somewhere in the Woods

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Recap: Ash has completed his first gym and got the Basic Badge. We learn more about Iris's crush. Giovanni has fired Jessie and James and kept Meowth. That's what was in chapter 3.

In this chapter there are people's POV.

Welcome to chapter 4: Somewhere in the Woods. Last chapter I gave you guys a seek peek so you guys kinda know what's going to happen but there is a twist. 0-o Anyway read to find out.


We're going to a forest up ahead right Cilan, Iris said. Yep and this time I won't get lost, he replied. Whatever, said Ash, I just want to swing on vines. Typical Ash, Iris said, while bumping into him. Stop that, he said. You stop, she said. "Pika chu pi, (guys stop please), Pikachu said. (Ok you asked for it)" Pikaaaaaaachu!!!!! Ash and Iris was shocked to crisp. ----------5 minutes later---------- Cilan where are we, whined Ash. Umm I think we're lost, he replied. LOST!!!!!????, both Ash and Iris yelled. "Yeah, Cilan said, but why make a big deal about it it's not like we haven't been lost before." Well I guess so, Ash said after thinking about it. "Well we're still lost", Iris pointed out. Yeah I guess so, Cilan replied. Anyway I'm hungry, Ash said, is it lunch yet Cilan? "Actually my watch says it's lunch o' clock", Cilan replied again. OK let's eat!!!, said Iris.

Five minutes later.....

"I can't BELIEVE YOU GUYS ATE ALL THE FOOD IN FIVE MINUTES!!!!, yelled Cilan. What can I say, said Ash, we love food. Yeah we sure do, said Iris. Anyway I'm going to go exploring, Ash said. "Hey um Ash can I come?", asked Iris. Then Ash had that weird feeling he had before. "Sure Iris, happily replied Ash. OK this is it, thought Iris, this is where you come clean.

Ash's POV:

Once I went into the woods with Iris I instantly regretted it. First I realized Pikachu was smirking. Then I realized I was with Iris, the girl I loved. This was bad. First I wasn't good with girls. When I realized Serena liked me it felt so weird and I didn't know what to say to here anymore. Second I just know Pikachu would try to hook me up with Iris since I told his I liked her. So this was all bad. Then I felt a tug on my ear. It was Pikachu. Hey Ash, Pikachu said, why don't you start a conversation with Iris? Pikachu stay out of my love life, I coldly replied. Ok, ok, just a suggestion, he said snickering. Anyway I decided to take his advice. "So um Iris, I started, what you want to do?" "I really don't know?", she replied. I was about to say some thing but I got caught in her beautiful eyes. Um Ash, said Iris. "Oh um how about we let our Pokémon play?, I sheepishly questioned. That's a great idea!, she exclaimed. Oh thank Mew! She liked the idea. Maybe this won't be so bad after all.

Pikachu's POV:

Once I heard that the Pokémon could play, I thought I can finally help Ash get a girl. I mean he's travelled with girls ever since he started his journey and has not made a move to anyone of them! He basically friend zones every one of them. Anyway my plan is that I tell the Pokémon Ash's Secret. So they can help too. I mean it's perfect. Well I have to plan first. Wait here comes Axew. "Hey Pikachu, he said, what's going on with you?" Nothing much really, I reply. Hey you notice anything weird going on with Ash and Iris, he says. "Yes I actually do you see Ash likes Iris." What that's crazy Iris like Ash, he says. "Wait when did Iris tell you?", I ask. "During your gym battle." Yes this is perfect, I say to Axew, now we can help them get together! "Yay let's do it", Axew says. Yes my plan is in action.

Iris's POV

"Ah the weather feels great", I say expecting a reply. But it never came. Ash?, I say. I saw the raven haired boy just staring. He was thinking. Well let him be, I whisper. The Pokémon were playing so I didn't have to worry about them. The forest was so peaceful. But just sitting around isn't gonna make me open out about my crush. Ash, I asked. Yeah, he says. "Why don't we go on a walk, I say. He hesitated at first. Sure, he replies. Honestly I was going to confess to Ash about how I feel. So here goes nothing! A few yards into the forest we were racking up a conversation. A good start. But then it turned into a race. "I'm faster", I yell. You wish, Ash replies. OK, I say, makes it to that tree first is the fastest, I say. "Ok 3...2...1... Go!" Running and running and running until... "I made it", we both say at the same time. I guess it's a draw, he says. Yeah, I reply. Here was my chance. "Um Ash, I start. Yeah, he says. I lov- what the Heck!!! Ash interrupts me. My hand is stuck to this tree!!!" "What this tree has honey in it, I said, get it off!" "Ok in 3.2.1 pull!!!" Eww it's so sticky, I whine. Let's go to Cilan he'll know what to do, Ash says. We started walking and it didn't look like we were getting to camp. You sure this is the right way, Ash asks. "Yep, I'm positive, I reply. We walk and walk and walk until. Ahhhh, Ash yells. "Ash!" I grab him with my sticky hand. Thanks Iris, he says, I owe you one. "I can't believe you almost fell of the cliff, I say. Me too, he replies, but ours hands are stuck with honey." Aww man, I say. Wait I'm touching Ash's hand! I looked over to Ash. He was blushing. I think I was too.

Ten minutes later....

"Iris you don't know where your going", Ash whines. Yes I do, I reply. No you don't. "Yes I do." No. Yes. No. Yes. NO. YES. BUZZ. What was that?, Ash asks. "Um Ash were surrounded by bug type Pokémon", I say, Weedle, Swaddle, and more." Their using string shot!, Ash exclaims. "What, I say, they shot the honey!" Oh no, now our hands are really stuck, Ash says.

10 minutes later.... again

"We finally made it to camp", I say tired. Cilan, Ash yells. "Hi guys, Cilan starts, whoa what happened here?" Well it's a long story, I say.

Normal POV

Ash and Iris told Cilan and the Pokémon the story. "Well this is gonna take a long time to unstick you, Cilan said, I give it 2 days tops." WHAT!!!, said Ash and Iris in unison. How am I suppose to operate with him/her stuck to me!!!, Ash and Iris said together again. "Do I know", Cilan said obnoxiously. Well this is going to be crazy, Iris said. "Yeah, replied Ash, crazy".


And scene. That was a pretty decent chapter I do say so myself. Anyway thanks guys for encouragement I will mention people in the next chapter. And I got to give credit too Toadettegirl2012 she had a fan fic on the thing that happened to Ash and Iris. So if you are reading this thanks for the idea. Anyway stick around for chapter 5: Stuck Together with You Pt1. Exactly 1265 words. Now Zackary215 signing off so bye!!!!

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