Not So Friendly Gym Battle!

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Recap: Ash went to the other side of Unova. Iris and Cilan joined him. Ash has feelings for Iris. Iris likes Ash. Something's up with Jessie, James, and Meowth. Ash's first gym battle is about to commence. That's what you missed on The Next Part.

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon, so stop asking!

Some parts in the story are in people's POV..... maybe


"Let the battle between Cheren the leader and Ash the challenger begin!", Cilan referees. Go Herdier, yelled Cheren. "Well Hawlucha show em what you got!", Ash said, use close combat!." (Now I'm not using the moves in the anime well I will but....). Herdier use bite! But Hawlucha was faster to use close combat a super effective move. Herdier fell to the ground hard taking lots of damage. Herdier can you get up?", asked Cheren. Herd!!, (yeah just barely.), Herdier said. OK use work up., said Cheren, then flash. Herdier got worked up. "Hawlucha dodge, yelled Ash. But Hawlucha was blinded by flash. Lucha-hawl, (ow it hurts), said Hawlucha. Now take down, said Cheren. Herdier ran to Hawlucha. Hawlucha tried dodging the attack but was still blinded by flash. Hawlll, Hawlucha said. Hawlucha is unable to battle meaning Herdier is the winner, said Cilan. Wow a normal type beating a fighting type, said Iris, you don't see that every day." OK Hawlucha return go Greninja, said Ash. "Gre, (let's do this)", said Greninja. Ok use water shuriken, yelled Ash. Herdier dodge, said Cheren. But once again Herdier was too slow and got knocked out by the shuriken. Herdier is unable to battle meaning Greninja is the winner. Yay, said Ash. Ok come back, said Cheren, go Watchog. "Waaa, said Watchog, (a worthy opponent"). "OK Greninja use cut", said the challenger. Watchog use cut as well, said the leader. Both Pokémon engaged in a fierce cut battle both attacking with graceful speeds. Eventually the attack wore off. OK "Watchog use flash", Cheren said. Not again, thought Ash. Then he thought of an idea. "Greninja use water pulse to reflect the light", Ash yelled. (What I had to think of something and besides light does reflect on water.) Greninja using water as a reflected source reflected the flash. Wow, thought Cheren, that was unexpected, but he won't notice my surprise attack. Suddenly behind the blinding flash came Watchog use a take down and cut at the same time!!! "OMA, (oh my Arceus), Greninja are you ok?!", asked Ash. Greee, (I guess), said Greninja. "Ok time to take it up a notch, said Ash, together me and Greninja are one!!!" Both Ash and Greninja fusing into the legendary, (not actually a legendary Pokémon), Ash-Greninja!!! Having some of Ash's features water surrounded Greninja just for a second. Everyone, Cheren, Cilan, and Iris all shocked. So were the people who were watching the battle. Greninja can mega evolve, said one person. I know right, said another person. Wow, fascinating, said Cilan. Whatever we will still win, said the gym leader, Watchog use take down and cut." Watchog using it's double move attacking with great speeds. Ok Greninja use Aerial Ace, yelled Ash. While with it's leg shining, Ash-Greninja use a powerful and really fast Aerial Ace, hitting Watchog real hard. "Ok finish with water shuriken!!!!", yelled Ash. Suddenly the big water shuriken on Greninja's back, he took it off and threw it. BOOM. There was a big explosion. "Watchog is unable to battle meaning Greninja is the winner, Cilan said, Ash as won the battle." Yes we did it", yelled Ash. "Seems I still have a lot to learn about being a gym leader", Cheren said. "It's okay, replied Ash, I guarantee you will become a lot stronger". "Thanks Ash, he said. Anyway here is the Basic Badge." "Yeah I got the Basic Badge again." Pika pi! See Ash this is why I love you, Iris thought, it's your looks and your personality. "Anyway we should be going, said Cilan, come on Iris." But Iris was still day dreaming. IIIIrisss, he said. Now Cilan was mad. IRIS STOP DAYDREAMING, he yelled. Iris was out of shock. "Ooookay let's go", Ash said.

---------------Meanwhile at Rocket Headquarters----------------

"I can't believe it, Giovanni screamed, you worthless scraps are useless! Can't even catch a simple PIKACHU!!!, a PIKACHU. No scratch that you can't catch any POKéMON!!!!" "We are so sorry boss", Jessie, James, and Meowth said. "No NO apologies", said Giovanni, you guys screwed up too much! We'll do better next time promise, said Meowth. Yeah we will, said Jessie and James. "NO a thousand times NO!!!, screamed Giovanni again, ya know Jessie, James you're FIRED." What why!!!??, said sadly James. "Why must the world be so cruel!!!!???", sobbed Jessie, hey what about Meowth? "He's staying, said Giovanni, he's the only one who does crap and your stupidness is rubbing off on him." "Please Meowth... don't, said Jessie. Meowth paused. "Sorry guys, he said, this is all I have." Jessie and James started to sob hard. "Meowth I thought we we're friends", James said sadly while crying. We were, Meowth said softly. Anyway bye bye, said Giovanni while the floor catapulted them away. Ex-Team Rocket is blasting off again, Jessie and James said in unison. "Umm boss, Meowth said, why do we even need the Pokémon anyways?" Do you dare to question your bosses ways?!, Giovanni replied angrily. "No, never", scaredly said Meowth. Wow I've never seen the boss like this before?, Meowth thought. "Anyway you made the right decision to leave those losers behind", said Giovanni. Yeah, maybe, Meowth muttered.

Wow I started this chapter as a happy-go-lucky gym battle then changed it to a sad, betrayal chapter. Huh what a change of events? Any thanks for sticking on to the chapter. It was really hard to make thanks to the gym battle. Please comment, review, and follow. and for a treat here's a script from the next chapter.

We're going to a forest up ahead right Cilan, Iris said. Yep and this time I won't get lost, he replied. Whatever, said Ash, I just want to swing on vines. Typical Ash, Iris said, while bumping into him. Stop that, he said. You stop, she said. "Pika chu pi, (guys stop please), Pikachu said. (Ok you asked for it)" Pikaaaaaaachu!!!!! Ash and Iris was shocked to crisp. ----------5 minutes later---------- Cilan where are we, whined Ash. Umm I think we're lost, he replied. LOST!!!!!????, both Ash and Iris yelled.

So that wraps up this chapter A "Friendly" Gym Battle. Sorry there was no POV in this chapter, but like I said long to make. Please comment, review, and follow. Stay tuned for............................... Chapter 4: Somewhere in the Woods and about 1130 words for this chapter!!! Anyway Zackary215 signing off, see ya!!!! 

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