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{J'oon J'onzz Pov}

Its cold. It's so damm cold. I can't move. I can't see well my vision is blurry I think I've been drugged. I can hear two people talking, but can't make out the words. My hands seem to be bound also my feet.

The voices get closer.

"The probability of success although increased thanks to (his,her) bodies composure is still minimal"

A rough growls voice speaks "I don't care I want you to do it"

The man sighs in obvious frustration "Very well. How much of the DNA samples should I use?"

"How much is left?"

"5 viles of blood"

"Use it all"

"What?!" A hand slams into what I think is a metal table "We've been only using one vile for test subject and they've all been failures!"

"Don't you yell at me" I recognize that voice now it's Hank "This is an order from Ms.Luthor she strongly believes this subject is different"

"Fine" The stops beside me. He opens a small case and grabs a needle. He catches me staring at him "Don't worry you'll probably end up dead like the others" He injects me in my neck and I fall unconscious.

I feel a sudden surge of power flow through me. My eyes open. I somehow manage to break my metal restraints. As I rise up from the operating table the doctor looks at me with a look of utter joy "YES, YES, YES!" He screams I try to balance myself but I'm still feeling the effect of the anesthesia" Ms.Luthor is going to be so pleased!"

I remember where I am now. Adrenaline pumps through my veins. I run out of the door and into a confusing maze of corredores.

I run through them with no sense of direction. I take a right and am met with a guard looking at me with his back turned towards me. Maybe I am not thinking right. Maybe I'm not thinking at all, but I chose to body slam the 7 foot tall man.

He seemed weightless as I easily slammed into him. I aimed for the wall the shattering sound that erupted once I reached my target was intense. I lost my balancing falling down in the process by just the sheer shock as to what I did.

I slammed that man right trough the wall like it was nothing. Needless to say I don't think he'll be getting up any time recently.

What they'd do to me?

I just manage to stand. The hole I left is massive. It's both impressing and scary for me.

I wonder through the hallways again. The sound of heavy boots is startling as they quickly get closer. I back up onto something that has no business being in the middle of a corridor. I immediately turn around and am met with a punch to the face.

My vision gets hazy but I can still make out the outline of Hank towering over my body. "We're gonna need to find a way to control (him,her)" a pale feminine outline appears.

"I've got a an idea" Hank says as I loose all consciousness.

"That's what I experienced when I got into (Y,n) mind" I give a few moments for everyone to come to terms before speaking up again "Agent Schott I need you to lead an intel team. Find where Lex and Lillian are. Vasquez I need you to gather another team to keep and eye on Rhea she's not gonna be happy when she figures out what happened to her son" Everyone seems drained from their forces. I can't blame them the situation was bad enough with just the Daxamites and now we gotta worry about the Luthor well two of them at least. But when spirits are low and everyone feels like crawling into a hole to wait for death but that's when a leader has to to his job and bring hope back to his followers "I know the situation is dire. We're fighting a war on two fronts... Everyday the world seems to want to make us kneel and submit to it. But we WON'T we have accomplished to much to just give up now. We've saved refuges from other planetas ,we've stopped Zod's invasion. We have fought and bleed for this planet. And our enemies wish to take that all away. The Daxamite's wish to take Mon-El on of our own, and have every man, woman and child bend the knee before them. The Luthor's wish to tear apart families just because they weren't born here. They've taken away one of our (brothers,sisters) in arms. NO MORE we're are not gonna anyone take away anymore. We're gonna fight this and we're gonna win. Now get back to work."

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