And yet we persevere

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You stoped staring at sky, and looked at Ganthlet "What now?" you said in regard to your training.

"Well you speak of a monster inside of you. I wish to see it" he said as he fiddles with a ball of green energy in his hand.

You chucked "You must be joking right?" He shook his head at you "You realized that I could kill you right?

"I only ask this of you because I need to know what I'm dealing with. I must understand the disease if I wish to cure it. And don't worry about you killing me the lanterns have the ability to create energy beams from our rings"

"That means?"

"That if you were about to kill me I could blast you with a kryptonite beam. A none lethal beam of course"

Your mouth went into an 'O' shape "Then I guess I trust you won't die"

Ganthlet gave you a weird look "I'll take that as a compliment"

You closed your eyes, and straightened you back as much as possible "Get ready to meet Cerberus"

"Is that the name you gave your demon, and is that what the 'C' in your chest stands for?" Ganthlet asked

"Yes, and no" you began inhaling through your nose and exhaling out your mouth.

"What are you doing?"

"Thanks to my girlfriend I managed to lock Cerberus away, but I can feel (him,her) trying to get out. Minor things annoy me or anger me and when they do I can feel Cerberus trying to claw (his,her) way out. Eventually I'm afraid (he'll,she'll) be released again, and I don't want any one I love around when that happens"

"That's very noble of you"

"Thank you, but you might want to ready yourself because what I'm doing is getting myself angry, and when Cerberus tries to claw through my brain I'm not gonna resist"

Ganthlet observed you for a couple of minutes, before he saw you stagger. He got ready for a fight as you clenched your fist. You opened your eyes and Ganthlet didn't need need centuries of life to understand that look in your eyes. Anyone could identify that look in your eyes. The look of pure unfiltered and raw rage.

{Kara's Pov} 1 day later

Alex coming over was good for me even if I  didn't tell her I appreciated it I do. She even stayed the night. I know she really wanted to talk about (Y,n) but I can't talk about it at least not with her. I know she's my sister and I can trust her with everything, but she wouldn't understand. I know Alex means well and she's let me cry on her shoulders all night while saying that I was going to be ok. But I don't need that right now. I need someone who understands. Someone who knew (Y,n) as deeply as I did. I need Lena.

She must be going through the sales things as I am. Only she's better at hiding her pain. I haven't even spoken to her about (Y,n). I guess I've failed her in that regard. But I'll make it up to her. She can help me and I can help her.

The drive over to L-Corps was short. I know I could've just flown there but it would be rude if I'd just landed on Lena's balcony out of nowhere. Especially with her not seeing me in such a long time.

Jess gave me the go ahead to enter Lena's office.

"Kara could you wait a second?" Jess said as I was about to turn the doors knob.

I turned my head to face her "What's going on"

"Ms. Luthor has been acting strange for the past month. I know the Daxamite invasion wasn't that long ago, but this feels like something else. I think she's sad about something, and I'm pretty sure she's been drinking inside her office" By Jess's tone I could tell she was more worried than she let on.

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