chapter 17

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                                                       QUINTIN AND AMARA NELOW

                                                       QUINTIN AND AMARA NELOW

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At this moment I don't know what to do, I missed my wife's appointment with the doctor because I want to ask my lawyer what the hell happened to the divorce papers to be finalised years ago between me and Amara, yes we were married but I dropped her before marrying Kay,the kids are mine yes all of them which is confusing...she's been trapping me all this time when I go visit my son Khalid, that's how Imani and Khameel got here, Amara is tricky that I must admit that she's got me all good all these time but I don't love this girl,im in love with my current wife De'kay and the minute Kay finds out she's gon break so i'll rather not say anything now...but me missing her appointment today I'm so gon hear from her ...I just pulled up at the house and them kids are making one hell of a noise " yo what's with the noise? - Quincy get off that table" I said putting him off the table, the twins are boxing and knocking everything out " Kam! ,Rein stop all that right now!" I yelled and thankfully they stopped " take quincy and go have a sit on the couch now! Where's Gina? " I asked don't seeing her ,they all pointed to the kitchen, this girl better not be cooking " so as I said I'll be back" going straight to the kitchen and yes this lil Kay is the damn stove " Regina Princess Drew you better get off that chair and go straight to your brothers in the living room" I yelled, she rolled her eyes" but daddy I'm hungry, we all are, so I was try-"." I said go right now!" she rolled them eyes again and threw what ever she was chopping at me" I try to be responsible and cook for my brothers because they hungry ,our parents don't care they never here so what do you want us to do? DIE!?" she yelled on the way to the living room as I picked up the dirt things she threw on the floor, making me sigh, for a 9 year old she sure as is chicky" where's your mother?" I asked ,they all shrugged " my dad picked us up from school and brought us here, we been alone ever since, since y'all don't care" Kam said " I'll order some food ,while you all go freshen up real quick how's that?" I asked, they mumbled some things, as they all went upstairs now where the hell is De'kay at? ,i sent her too many texts and she never replied.

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