chapter 9

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lay and mo

lay and mo

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As much as I have a lot happening in my life my friend lay is going through much worse, I can't believe this at all, when I got her call I too was fighting with Terell my soon to be husband but it ain't looking too food right about now but we'll talk about that later on. Right now im holding Lay as she cries coz her family members just left it's just Quintin and Jasmine here, I know Kay went home to sleep coz she did look tired...we did see Malaysia just not for long, now she asleep and all bandaged up both her legs and her arm and some parts of her ears I feel so bad and responsible for this. I know pretty well that Brenden must have done some to start that fire and that Lay is lying to everyone saying they don't know how it started which us hull " what time did they say they gon transfer Brenden here? " I asked Lay, she shrugged then wiped her tears " I think around noon, his mom was before yal came she went to that prison cell and she's blaming me for all of this" she said I shook my head " I think she was just shocked that B is in jail and passed out she didn't mean to, aunt H will never say some like that unless she angry - uh I think I must take you home to take a bath, well my place that is I still have some of your clothes, and I must make sure you eat that's what you're sister said I must make sure I do." I said she nodded " okay but we gotta come back after that I wanna make sure in here when Malaysia gets up" I nodded and with that I told Q and Jas that I'm taking lay to my place Jas gave me some attitude but I don't give a damn.

Once we got home Lay went to take a bath and I gave her some clothes while I cooked some for her, I heard Mica yelling mom mom I raised my brow, shouldn't he be at school" hey bear why ain't you at school? " I questioned picking him up his getting too big for my liking " I swear if your daddy left you all al-"." relax I'm here" I turned to face Terell " why isn't he at school? ,i asked you nicely to take him to school " I said looking at Mica" wanted to spend some time with him before going back to the games" I sighed " I understand that but that's gon mess up with his schedule Terell, I hope you ain't thinking of taking off school tomorrow coz I'm not with that he needs to be with kids his own age, but anyway since you wanna spend time with him, take him and go coz I got Lay here and I must take her back to the hospital" I said " how's she holding up?" he asked making me sigh" I don't know honestly I think she's still hurting way more than what we think, uhm I saw your ex wife last night " I said looking at him side ways coz he didn't say anything about her being here" she was around? I didn't know foreal baby" he says " aight i-" I shut my mouth seeing Lay coming down the stairs I see the bandage on her arm since she wearing a short shirt " hey pumpkin, you good?" I asked She slowly nodded " Mica - come give aunty a hug " she said to Mica he wiggled out my arms and ran to her making me smile" hey T, you getting taller everyday " she said I laughed " uh hey De'Lay, and nah you just haven't seen much of me I guess, Mica let's bounce" he said taking Mica and leaving..." I walked in on an awkward situation didn't I? " Lay asked making me shrug" not really, we been rocky since you sister gave him some letters so yeah, sit down n eat then tell me what happened really what happened " I said dishing up for her " let me eat in piece then have some air and i'll tell you everything aight " she said I nodded I don't have no problem with that long as she be honest, I'm really worried about her but at the same time in worried about me, Terell is acting weird I'm even too afraid to say some smart coz he gon just turn his back on me and leave me hanging and ignore me which I don't like at all coz I believe in communication I just hope we work it out before he leaves for his games

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