chapter 7

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" aight Bic I hear you now why am I here again? I been here for the past two weeks now, I miss my kids " I said to my ex boss I still don't know how he found me, his been keeping me at his 'private apartment ' for the past two weeks, I think my mom left already now who knows haven't been in contact with anyone all I have here is free fast food and a bathroom and a bed that's it, atleast I'm being fed right " well well well I thought you might know by now, I mean you up and left months ago what's up with that?" Bic asked I shrugged then sat comfortable on the bed " you stole my money Rex " well that's my stage name " I needed it Bic, you wasn't paying me anymore so I did what I had to do for my kids and I " I said being honest, I'm scared to hell right now but honesty gon get me out of this " you know this is the third time you still over 5 million dollars from me, how you gon repay it now coz you no longer work?" he asked shit I don't know" I really don't know Bic, but i'll think of something-"." that's not good enough Rex,I have a preposition for you,have my baby and th-"." hell no,I already told you I'm struggling with 3 kids on my own you want to add another stress to that hell no Bic,ask your wife you guys are old anyway" I said feeling angry what I look like? a baby making machine dang,i heard him sigh" we no longer together that bitch stole my diamonds all of them and ran off I still don't know where she is " he said angrily" well uh ask someone else to have your baby I'm not rea-"." I wasn't asking you Rex I'm telling you or maybe you prefer your lil Aliyah to have my child? Or maybe I must take little Alex to make mi-". " no please Bic not my kids, i can come back and dance again for you for free just don't bring my kids in this" I begged standing up to touch his chest I mean the things I gotta do to keep my babies safe,i felt myself getting watery " have my baby then" he said calmly, now I'm crying, I don't want to be pregnant again really..." I have your baby then what? because I know I won't want you to take my baby and run off with him or her and I don't see them again, plus you old Bic, please ask someone else" I said still crying..." I'm sticking to you,we had a thing going on Jas for a while before your husband died, and I'm not that old I'm just 45 and still look 32, so what do you say? I can take care of you, buy you a house, car,give you money or just for you to be at home and have my kid..." I shook my head" I don't know, I just got back into my family's good books, me being with you will raise some bar -"." we'll deal with that, you owe me your life, save your kids, you'll learn to love me when time goes" he said letting me go..." you obviously wants to own me okay, i'll have your baby,but you have to take me and my kids in,buy us a house and cars in my name and put some money in my kids account for future references not like you can't do that" I said after thinking hard and long about this and wiping my tears, im gon regret this " one more thing make sure your stupid wife is far away from me I don't care if she's nowhere to be found but make sure she ain't gon try non slick with me " I warned he chuckled I gave him the serious look " aight that's out of the way mind if I ask what you did with all that money?" I sighed, " I don't want to talk about it now please, when can I go back home to my kids? you know Alex is still small he needs me around all the time " I said hoping he understands " I can drop you off now, we meeting next Friday to make that baby, I'm serious with you Rex, if you don't -"." I promise I will be here we have a deal I don't want you to kill me or hurt my kids or my family we have a deal" I said quickly, he nodded then rubbed his beard weird....after making sure that I have a deal with him he took me back to De'kay's house dang I forgot it's Saturday all the kids are around,i sighed before going in

" mom I'm so glad you okay, I swear I was gon go to the police and report you missing " I chuckled, then looked st my baby girl all hugged up on me " I'm fine as you can see liyah, where's Alex and Ant? " I asked not seeing them around" oh aunt Kay took them to see aunt Lay. I'm just chilling with aunt Jay now and -"." hold that thought baby girl, Jeanette is here?" I asked looking around for her,liyah nodded" yeah I think she went upstairs though so where were you? Aunt Kay is really mad at you,if it wasn't for -" she got cut off by Jeanette screaming damn my twin is gorgeous " Jasmine! Oh my goodness you looking so good, I won't tell that you had 3 kids already " she said still yelling and I thought Im the loud one " yeah well its good seeing you again after uhm some years - you looking great though...I misses you fo'real " I said feeling my tears coming " we must never fight, look at us...I haven't seen you -" I shushed her coz she was getting loud as hell" since when were you this loud dang" I whined coz I'm the loud one" well since I'm forgotten i'll see my self out" Aliyah said breaking up the reunion I stale faced her" she's grown so much from the last time I saw her,she looking like mama though" Jay said I nodded " and loud and irritating like me" I said " mooom! no I'm not irritating and loud but ohk, " liyah said,I shook my head " let me get refreshed i'll come talk to you in our room baby girl" I told liyah she nodded, I continued to talk to Jay till Kay came back with the loud kids I must say I took Alex from her arms like I haven't seen him in years, Ant well he was just happy to have me back,i really missed my kids I'm never disobeying Bic anymore, after making sure Alex was fine in every way Kay wanted to talk to me but I cut her off wanting to freshen up and just replay what happened today I really agreed to have Bic's baby not that Bic is ugly but he isn't young though that's my worry and me having a baby on top of a 2 year old it's just wrong....after taking a hot bath I spent some time with my baby girl she my best friend too since I don't have friends at all, and she telling me about a boyfriend I really don't want her to date now or forever not after what I went through with her " I said no Aliyah, you know how hard it was for me to take care of you and your daddy at the same time, I don't want you to turn out like me aight, no boys till you stable enough to take care of yourself okay?" I questioned she can huff and puff all she wants I'm sticking to that" okay but mom I'm not you, and you know that can't I just have fun atleast? please?" she begged I sighed " no baby,you must stay single and choose your friends wisely -" she rolled her eyes making me pop her forehead" ouch okay okay " she said laughing " uhm we'll be leaving soon to our new house, and we going to be with some company, no look Aliyah this is good for us I promise " I said once I seen how she was frowning " but mom, we do that all the time, Anthony has finally found some children to be comfortable around with and Alex, Alex loves aunt Kay so much why we gotta move now?".i sighed" I didn't say we moving to another state we just getting out own house" I said she exhaled " oh okay so why ain't you happy about it?" she asked worried" because we moving in with Bic" I said biting my bottom lip,Aliyah likes Bic but she just don't like how he fired me when she heard I was pregnant with Alex" Bic Bic as in like Goldtooth Bic?" I nodded laughing " oh okay I thought you was gon say some bad guy we don't know that's cool though, let me go get ready for my sleep over love you and mom please don't disappear again because aunt Kay is really mad at you" oh shoot" speaking of aunt Kay I gotta go talk to my lovely sister, be good at that sleepover no boys Aliyah I mean it" I warned she knows I'm not playing i'll whoop that ass till she gets me arrested, she nodded...I sighed then thought of what I was gon say to Kay maybe I should ask about her marriage but no....

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