Chapter 1 - Pondering a Problem

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Many people considered being a member of the Cast of Top Gear, before the demise of the show by the ridiculous decision of the BBC to sack Jeremy Clarkson and in turn get rid of the only saving grace of the show, to be the most desirable job on the planet. Fast cars, exotic locations and shenanigans. These are all things most old people consider a luxury job. Me, and like millions of others around the world, now consider Gaming, and those situations surrounding Gaming, to be the most desirable Job on the planet. Most desirable of all, a place on a thriving YouTube channel.

That was the job Andy Farrant currently enjoyed, but that wasn't to say it was without its hardships. Hardships? Well, what could possibly be hard about a job that involves nothing more, than playing video games and thus comprising entertaining lists for the world to enjoy? Surely nothing could be easier right?

Well... I'll give you two words that make working on the set of the Outside Xtra production office very hard indeed: Ellen Rose.

As Co-Editor of the channel Ellen was an extremely important member of the team. She was both quirky, quick-witted and knowledgeable in the world of gaming. A factor that endeared her not only to the other members of the team, but also endeared her to the audience. The only problem she had, through no fault of her own mid you, was that she was also 'smoking' fucking hot.

"Hey guys!" Ellen said as she came onto the set of today's video shoot. "What's the request we got today?"

"Well..." Luke Westaway, a second editor on the channel said whilst flicking through the production notes. "Our twitter feed was swamped with requests for another list about Guns."

"Another one?" Mike hissed in annoyance as he swivelled in his chair and sighed. "That's the forth this week."

"Guns are big  business boys." Ellen said, words issuing with an enticing smile. "But Mikes right. We're better than just making lists about the top 5 Guns in the Doom Franchise or the Most Overpowered Gun's in CoD."

Andy rolled his eyes, as did the rest of the team, including Ellen. Those lists were such obvious click bait. Too easy, too... conventional for Outside Xtra. It was only then, after navigating his PS4 browser that Andy turned in his chair and faced his team. And felt the damn blood flood from his brain to a certain... suddenly taut part of his frame.

'Bloody hell!' He gasped, eyes sighting Ellen for the first time since she came into the office. The girl had her trademark highlights at the tips of her long brown hair, but was also wearing a sexy, Simpsons themed Donut shit. No I don't know about you, but I find a hot girl, wearing a top depicting a tasty ring of sugar on their tits, more than a little suggestive. Add to that her tight, toosh hugging jeans and converses sneakers, and you have a while lot of sex, standing on long fucking legs.

It seemed, Andy wasn't the only one feeling Ellen's appeal today, as he saw a couple of his fellow cast members trying to maintain a professional environment. A fact made all the more difficult by Ellen not realising just how god damn up tight her cast members were.

"Maybe we could do a list on the top 6 hardest guns to unlock? You know? Which guns make you work those sticks... before finally giving you that well earned relief, you guys feeling me?"

"God..." Luke hissed, under his breath, who caught Andy's eye. The two men exchanging a look that said quite clearly. 'I feel you pain, mate.'

"What about the most needlessly sexualized  guns?" Ellen said, using her quirky, outside-the-box thinking to consider genuinely funny lists for the channel. After all a list of the top 6 overly sexualized bosses had been a massive hit over on the main channel Outsidexbox, a few years back. That had been a great video to watch and one of the main reasons why Ellen had jumped ship from the Xbox On YouTube channel. The Outside brand was growing big, and the channel was going places, and Ellen, if anything, knew an opportunity for adventure, if anything else. "Didn't you work on that video Andy?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2017 ⏰

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