chapter twenty seven

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Keefe's POV:

"FOSTER!!!!" i screamed, trying to get up, but I couldn't, so I got as close as I could to her by scooching across the floor

"Foster!" I sobbed, covering her bloody wound by my cape

"It's going to be ok" I wispered, even though she couldn't hear me

"HELP!" I screamed, trying to get someone's attention, but where was everyone?

I didn't see anyone lying on the floor, and we're was Fintan, Ruy, and Gethen?

Then I saw them, them were about to leap, right as the councillors burst in the room holding meddlers

"I dare you" Ruy threatened when Oralie pointed her meddler at him, he aimed his towards me

"Shoot me, I'll shoot him" he warned and I could see Oralie shaking, she slowly put down her arms, so did everyone else

"No..." I choked, and he still pointed it at me

"Too bad" he said and shot the meddler, it knocked me back, sliding me and foster across the floor

"Get them!" She shouted as they leaped

"DAMN IT!' Emery yelled, and the rest rushed over to us, after that I couldn't really tell what was going on, I just held on to Sophie and sobbed, wispering that it would be ok, even though I didn't believe that myself


Sophie's POV:

I woke up in a soft, warm bed, with a tan arm draped across my waist, and a bandage wrapped around my stomach

My head was pounding, my body ached, I hurt to breath, I saw Sandor standing next to the door

So I wasn't kidnapped?

"Foster?" I heard the person behind me say, I didn't move, I could barely choke out what I was about to say

"Keefe's?" I asked and he sat up, scooting as close to me as he could, wrapping his arms around me

"Foster!" He cried, "your ok!" He cried some more

"This is all my fault" he wispered and I shook my head "I'm so sorry, Sophie, if I would've just stayed away, they wouldn't have attacked" he sobbed, looking at me, and then at my bloody bandage

I mustered up all the strength I had to sit up and press my lips to his

"I can't live without you Keefe" I wispered, and he cupped my face in his hands and kissed me as gently as he could, we kissed for a while, until Sandor coughed, telling us it was time to stop

He did that just as Elwin walked in

"Sophie" he breathed and hugged me, "oh, your ok," he exclaimed

"Where is everyone?" I asked and he looked to the floor

"Everyone is downstairs, they are okay, we saved them, they didn't have wounds as bad as you do, they are ok" he explained and I nodded along

"What about my parents?" I asked and he didn't answer for a while

"They are safe" he wispered and a single tear slipped down my face

"I have to see them" I ordered and he shook his head "Sophie, we have to take them back, it would be better if you didn't see them, so we don't have to wash them more, we are going to wash Amy from their minds, since she has such a strong memory of you-"

"You already took me away from them, you can't take Amy away too" I told him, glaring

"Sophie, Amy can't go back" he wispered "I'll be okay" I confirmed and he shook his head "it's not about that" told me

"What is it about?" I asked, almost afraid to know the answer

"Sophie, Amy is an elf" he said slowly

What? How? Why? Huh?

"That's not possible" I wispered, tears still coming down my face

"When they put you in your mother, they put some elf genes in her so they pregnancy wouldn't be hard for her, they stayed in her after she had you, they were supposed to fade away, but they didn't, so, when Amy was born, those genes where transferred down to her, making her an elf" he explained and I held onto Keefe

"So, she can't go back" I finished for him, and then I broke into a sob find

"She found out in the attack yesterday, when she and tam were confronted, she vanished" he explained and I gasped "she's a vanisher!" I exclaimed and Elwin nodded "a very talented one" he said

"You were supposed to be a vanisher, but it got mixed up and transferred to her" he explained "wow" Keefe finally said and I buried my face in his chest, he held onto me, letting me cry

"Does she know she has to stay?" Keefe asked and Elwin nodded, "yes, she does, and she is not allowed to see them either, but we told your parents that your ok" he explained

"Where is amy?" I asked, still sobbing into Keefe

"She passed out when she first vanished, but she is peacefully resting across the hall, I suggest you give her some time to grasp the situation before you see her" Elwin suggested and me and Keefe didn't say anything, Elwin looked to the floor "i'll give you guys some space" he said and walked out, shutting it behind him

"Are you okay?" Keefe asked, hugging me "no" I choked and sobbed at the same time "I love you Foster, I'll help you get through this" he whispered, kissing my cheek "I know" I said and he chuckled

"I love you" I said and he smiled "I know" he whispered. "I'm sorry baby" he said and a single tear ran down his face

"It's okay" I said and he shook his head "no, I shouldn't have done that to you" he choked and wrapped his arms around me "your cold" he said and put his cape around me "you need it" I whispered and tried to give it back but he shook his head "your more important" he said and smiled "stop saying that" I said and he shook his head again "it's true" he said and I kissed him to shut him up. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and cringed because it hurt like hell

He put one arm around my waist and the other cupping my cheek, he kissed me back for a while and then stopped

"I don't want to hurt you" he whispered, and noticed me cringe when he touched my stomach where the bandage was lying under my shirt

"Baby, I know it hurts" he said and stared at the scar like it was Satan or something

"I'm ok" I whispered and he kissed the tip of my nose "are you?" He asked, tears clouding his eyes "I am so sorry Sophie, if I would've just gotten you out of the way or fought him off, this wouldn't have-" He tried to explain but I glared at him

"Keefe Sencen, you were hurt, this isn't your fault" I said and he nodded "I know, but I wish I could've just... done something" he said, letting out a big breath "guilt" I whispered and he looked at me funny

"Your not allowed to be guilty, Keefe, you could crack, and-and I can't lose you, Keefe, if I lost you I-I would lose myself" I choked, tears falling down my face, Keefe Instinctively wiped them away

"I'll never leave you Foster, never again, and you can't leave me either" he whispered, he smiled, but it wasn't a happy smile it was a sad smile... a guilty smile

"Don't go cracking on me now Sencen" I joked and he smiled the sad smile again


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