Ch. 7

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Sophie's POV:

"No!" I yelled and ran towards Keefe. I could take down all of the Councilors if I tried hard enough, I know I could. I unleashed anger on the goblin that was holding Keefe down. The goblin dropped to the floor under my gaze and withered in pain. Keefe held up his home crystal but Emery took it out of his hands.

Fitz held me back as I tried to run towards the Councilor to take the crystal. I started to take out my leaping crystal but Fitz grabbed my hand. "Sophie, no matter where he leaps, they have him now." Fitz said and his strong pressure on my hand made me drop the crystal to the ground.

"You can't do this!" Biana yelled, Amy and Dex were holding her hands.

"And why not?" Councilor Alina asked, Linh scoffed and slipped out of her brothers grasp. "He didn't do anything wrong!" She exclaimed and Councilor Emery laughed.

"He didn't do anything wrong?" The Councilor asked shaking his head in disbelief. "Oh I'll tell you what he did wrong. He joined a group of mass murders who actively tried to kills us."

"Miss Foster, the Neverseen kidnapped and tried to kill you and Mr. Diznee. They're trying to kill the whole human race." He said and looked me in my eyes.

"They killed Jolie and Kenric." He said and then took a deep breath.

"Sophie, they killed Mr. Forkle." Emery said softly and my breath hitched. As if I needed to be reminded of the death of the man who watched after me since I was born, who took care me, who believed in me when nobody else did.

I felt a tear slip down my face.

"This was an act of treason. You know it as well as I do, Miss Foster." Emery said and put his hand up defense. "Now, lift your inflicting from my goblin and let Keefe go peacefully." Emery said and I looked down to the goblin who I forgot I was inflicting on. I looked at Emery one more time and then focused on the goblin, making him scream out in pain.

"Sophie!" Keefe yelled and my head snapped up, release my strain on the goblin. Keefe gave me a small smile and put his hands in the air, letting a different goblin grab hold of him. "No." I said and my voice cracked.

"You are mistaken, Emery. Keefe did nothing wrong." Alden said calmly and stepped towards the council. "My husband is right, this is absurd!" Della exclaimed and Emery looked from Keefe to me and then to Keefe again.

"Mr. Sencen, how many people did you kill?" Emery asked Keefe and we all got quiet. No, Keefe would never kill anyone for sport, and if he did it for self defense then it is completely justified.

"Mr Sencen? How many lives did you take, just in your training with the Neverseen?" Emery asked and Keefe closed his eyes and shook his head. The goblin shook him and yelled: "Answer the Councilor!"

Keefe opened his eyes and looked to me, I could see the guilt in his mind. "23." He said slowly and I stopped breathing.


It's not true.

He wouldn't, not Keefe.

"They would've killed me if I didn't." He said and blinked. A tear rolled down his cheek.

Keefe killed 23 living, breathing beings.

"I'm sorry Foster. Just let them do what they want to me." Keefe said and I shook my head. "No" I said and pulled one of my hands from Fitz's grasp. "I don't believe it." I said and wiped my face.

"If you try to resist, you'll be exiled, and you're a lot more important than me." Keefe told me and them looked to Emery who was watching us speak to each other. Keefe nodded at the councilor and then looked to us again.

"We will be taking Mr. Sencen in for questioning." Emery said and then placed a hand on Keefe's shoulder. "You should get a scroll delivered for a meeting time this afternoon." Emery said, and with that, he took out his pathfinder, and leaped away with Keefe.

Fitz let go of me when all of the Councilors were gone, and I sunk to my knees.


No, No No.

This can't be happening.

"Fitz?" I asked and looked up at him. "Yes?" He asked and then sat down next to me. "They're going to exile him, aren't they?" I asked and laid my head on his shoulder. I felt Fitz take a deep breath before he grabbed my hand and laced my fingers with his. "We don't know that, Soph. They could expel him from FoxFire, or do a number of other things." Fitz said and I bit my lip.

"But they're going to chose to Exile him. Right?" I asked and my voice broke in the middle of the sentence. Fitz didn't say anything so I knew the answer to my question was yes. they were going to Exile him.

After a couple minutes of sitting on the grass, Fitz got up and pulled me with him. "We should go inside." He told me softly and I nodded. He walked me back inside of Everglen without letting go of my hand.

We all sat in the living room and nobody said one word until the doorbell rang an hour later. Alden opened the door and there was a man with a satchel and a letter in his hand.

Alden took the letter from the man and then spoke. " Thank you." He said shakily and the man bowed. " Your welcome, Lord Alden". He said and then closed the door.

Alden opened the envelope and then looked at us. "Its a meeting". Alden said. "They hold meetings when they don't have to hold a tribunal. Keefe's future is already decided." Alden told us and took a deep breath. "This isn't good, we have to go now."


Hey guys! This is the updated version of this chapter! I hope you like it!

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