Knighting Ceremony

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"One thing I'm adding is that during your meditation I will be there to bring you water whenever you need it and to make sure you are physically healthy. We will be very formal with one another just as all Master's and padawan shall be during the ceremony in the future."

Raina nodded. "And then after I've completed the meditation?" She asked.

"I will leave before you do and go up to the Hall of Knighthood where you will meet me. I will then say a few words and because you don't have a padawan braid, which I had no idea was required until now, I will dub you a Jedi Knight with my lightsaber. Then you will stand ignite your own lightsaber and put it against mine. We will both then deactivate our sabers, you will exit the chamber silently and head back down to your quarters." Luke finished explaining.

Raina nodded processing all the information. "Alright."

"You will also need to where your Jedi robes." He added.

She nodded. "I will."

"Well, I'll leave you for now. I'll see you tomorrow morning at 9:00am at the Tranquility Spire." Luke said as he walked to her door.

"Okay. I'll see you then." She opened the door.

Before leaving he turned around and looked at Raina with respect.

"May the Force be with you."

Raina smiled warmly and bowed slightly.

"Thank you. And may the Force be with you as well."

Luke nodded and smiled.

Raina's POV.

The morning before the ceremony arrived quickly. Raina woke up around 7 and began to get ready. After taking a shower she got dressed in her traditional Jedi robes.

She then hooked her lightsaber to her belt and walked out the door to meet Luke in the Tranquility Spire

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She then hooked her lightsaber to her belt and walked out the door to meet Luke in the Tranquility Spire.

Once she had gotten to the chamber inside the Spire she found Luke standing in front of the window in his traditional black Jedi robes.

After a moment he turned around to face her.

"Good morning, young Starlight." Luke greeted her properly.

Raina nodded. "Good morning, Master Skywalker."

"Are you ready for your final trial?" He asked.

She nodded. "I am."

Luke nodded and gestured to a circular
seat on the floor. Raina sat on it and criss-crossed her legs.

"You may begin." Luke told her.

She nodded and then closed her eyes. She spent the rest of the day in full meditation. Moments from her past, present and possibly her future flashed before her.

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