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Amilna POV

I was the biggest ass ever. I didn't mean to push him away. My parents showing up was a shock to me. How could she do this to me by telling them I was here. They abandon me and never looked back. Just because I'm sick they want us to be a happy family. Now they want me to move past this and forgive them. I'm not ready to move past it yet.

Snapping at Ivan wasn't good. Next time I see him I'll apologize for how I acted.

"Can I come in," said a voice at the door.

Looking up I see the same lady that stopped by a few weeks back. I think she told me her name but I can't remember. I was trying to remember her name but nothing was coming to mind.

"Sure," I said.

"I'm sorry for coming so late. I know I stopped here 2 months back and you probably don't remember my name I'm Anna Kuznetsov," she said walking into the room.

Why does that last name sound familiar. Is she related to Ivan? Are they trying to collect information to keep my daughter from me? Oh no I Can't loss my daughter she's my life.

Tears started to fall down my face.

"What's wrong," she said handing me a tissue.

"Your here to tell me that I'm not getting my daughter back is that it," I said between tears.

"No! I'm would never do that. Your daughter needs you in her life just as much as her father. I came by to see how your doing. Your family even though you and Ivan aren't married. Your the mum of my  precious grand baby," she said.

"Your Ivan's Mum  and your not going to keep my baby from me," I asked.

"No darling, I would never do that. I just got done spending the day with Aziza. She's with Ivan now and we talked. He told me what he said to you. I just wanted to smack him for that. After I left his place I had to see how your doing?" She asked with a worried look on her face.

"I'm okay. Just trying to figure things out. They said the chemo is working and I should be released soon. I'll have to find a place to live when I get out of here and find a job to pay for my medical bills. Which I feel like that will take a lifetime to pay off," I said with a smile.

"Don't worry about that. It's been taken care of the moment we found out you where here. I hope you don't mind. I know I should have told you," she said.

"Thanks. I'll pay you back every penny," I said.

"No you don't have to. That's a gift from me to you for bringing my precious Aziza into the world," she said.

"I would like to thank you for being there for her when I fell ill. I knew I did the right thing by bringing her to Ivan. I just wish I would have talked to him instead of leaving that note," I said.

"You were probably scared. I would have done the same thing you did if I was in your shoe," she said.

She's so kind. I wish I had a mum like her growing up.

"Is it possible if I ask you for a favor," she nodded her head.

"Can you have Ivan give me a call tomorrow. Right now I'm getting really tried and need to rest. It was nice of you to stop by and check on me," I said yawning.

"I'll let you get your rest I'll leave you my number call me if you need anything or need to talk," she said before leaving my room.

I closed my eyes with in seconds.
Two updates. I'll work on another update once I've completed the update on my other story. I'm only requesting that you you comment on the update only whether you liked it or not. I'll delete comments asking to update please after I've just updated. If it's been close to a month and I haven't updated by all means comment on asking when I'll be updating. Thanks for being patient with me.

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