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Amilna POV

It's been a few weeks since I seen my sister. I know it's not her fault that they got rid of me and kept her. She had no say in what our parents said or did and neither did I. I could never forgive them for that but my sister I really want her in my life and my daughter will need another family member in her  life.

The knocking on the door pulled me from my thoughts. I looked to see who it was and it was some elder lady. I can tell by the way she looked that she didn't work here. "I think you got the wrong room," I said to her.

"No, dear I got the right room! I just doing my monthly rounds here with each patient," she said.

"Okay, I don't really like having visitors," I said.

"That's okay I'll only be here for a few minutes and I'll be gone," she said.

"Do you work in this hospital? I know just about ever doctor and nurse that works here and I've never you before," I said still not moving from my bed.

"I'm sorry I don't here. My family owns this hospital and it's been in my family for decades. My granddaughter that I just found I have a few months ago is the youngest and this might be all her's some day," she said with smile in her face.

"That's so sweet! I have a daughter that I gave to her father a few months back so I can concentrate on getting better," I said tears to build up in my eyes.

"Has your daughter's father brought her to see you since been her," she asked?

"Oh,no! I could never put her through this," I said.

"Let me tell you this. My mother died in this same hospital of cancer. I was very young but I can't that much about her. What she did was not let us see her because she didn't want us to see how sick she was getting. What she didn't know was that I didn't care if she was sick and all I wanted was my mum," she said.

I wanted to cry. Is that what I'm doing to my daughter. I thought to myself.

Here's my card. If you want to see your daughter again give me a call and I'll make it happen," she said squeezing my hand, "by the way my name is Dominika Kuznetsov.

Kuznetsov that's the same name as Ivan. Please don't let her be related to Ivan. This can't be happening to me. I'm just hoping that this hospital doesn't belong to his family and it's a coincident that the lady that left happens to have the same last name. But if it's the same family than it will be good cause I'll get to see my baby. Now I'll allow visitors in here especially her if she turns out to be her granddaughter turns out to be my baby. Thinking to myself there's no way she can be her grandma.
Ivan POV

"Mum how did it go? Did you see her? How is she doing," I asked her?

"Ivan she looked so sad when I walked in," said.

"When do we get to see her," I asked?

" I want her to be ready. I told her how my mum died in that very same hospital when I really young and she pushed us away in her final days. I also said that I would help see her daughter if she wanted too. I gave her my number," she said.

My mum really hated talking about grandma. She was a little older than Aziza. I want to see for myself that she's doing okay but how can I get into her room and not scare her.

"Mum will it be okay if I go see her," I asked?

"Son I really don't think it will be a great idea yet. I don't think she's ready to see anyone yet," she said getting up, "but I think she'll be ready after I hearing my story. Just give her time!"

I think I've given her enough time. I need to see her and I'm not going to wait. I have to find a way and not scare our daughter needs both of us in her life. I'll make sure that happens.

"Where do you think your going? Ivan, I beg you please don't do anything stupid," was the last thing I heard before walking out my parents house. I hope I'm not going to regret this later.
Sorry this is short just wanted to get something out there. Please excuse any mistakes in the update.

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