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Ivan POV

I hear my elevator open.

"Son what was the urgency." What father asked

"Baby are you sick." My mum asked

She looks at the stroller. Than up at me. Not even looking at the sleeping baby.

"I think it's mine." I said giving her the note.

She takes it and reads it. "Where's the mother." She asked looking at the baby.

"Viktor call the lawyer." She said.

"Mum what are you doing." I asked.

"If this really is your baby I'm going make sure that your both protected. Can I hold her." She asked.

I just nodded. I was still in shock. A baby but every girl I've slept with said they where on birth control and I've still used condoms.

"Ivan she looks like your  sister. No doubt she's your. Her skin complexion is beautiful. But if you want to take a paternity test to ease your mind. Where's her mother." She asked.

I gave her the not again for to read. She the baby to my father. "Oh no. You have to find her." She said tears in her eyes.

"Why? She's the one that abandoned the baby with a complete stranger." I said.

Than she hit on the back of the head. "I raised you better than that. What I read from her note was that she's sick and starting treatment for chemo. Oh darling she has some type of cancer. She had no one to turn to. She can't be out there alone." My mum just started crying. "She didn't want to leave her baby. If she abandoned this beauty wouldn't  be inside your condo. She would be outside."

More crying. Which I couldn't take. I walked to my room. I could hear them. "Viktor we have to do something." I heard my mum say.

Since this baby looks  mixed with black that means her mum has to be black. I was trying hard to remember who she could be. Amilna wasn't an easy name to forget. Than it dawned on me. I got a letter from some girl saying she was pregnant with my child. I just put the letter aside. Looking around my room like a manic. Where's that letter I hope I still have it. I think she gave me her address or phone number.

"Son what are you doing?" My father said from my door.

"I have to find that letter. I think it's the same girl." I said

"What are you talking about." He asked.

"I think her mother tried to contact me about 2 years ago and I just blew it off." I said. I came across the note and looked at the name Amilna.

Taking a sit on my bed. My father walk over to me. He grabbed the letter. "You've know about her and didn't do anything. Why?" He asked.

"I thought she after my money." I said

"If she wanted money she could've taken you to court. But she didn't. She was giving you the chance to do the right thing." He shook his head. "Which you didn't."

"I'm not going to let my granddaughter grown up without a mother like me." My mum said through tears. "We'll find her  and your going help."

What can I say I can't argue with my mum and please I couldn't tell her that wasn't the only time she had tried to contact me. My parents would be so disappointed in me if they already aren't.

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