“Give me the full blow.”

            “For starts she has hopped from boyfriend to boyfriend every night, she’s come home with them, drunk, and slept with numerous. I am surprised she doesn’t have AIDS. She had a job until her and her long lasting love Kevin dumped me and moved to L.A, months later she came back and broke my ribcage, then she was arrested, now she came back 2 days ago and took me from the house I was staying at, threatened my life and sent me here.” I said straight through giving him the run by run.

            “Wow…If I knew that Casey, you would’ve been here so long ago.” And my life would be completely different, no Nick, no Erica, no Kaylie…god I miss her.

            “Yeah…” I drifted off.

            “What has your life been, like at the house you were staying at?”

            “I have a boyfriend Nick, he lives across the street from Meredith, we have been together for almost 2 years. I have been living with him, his mom his dad, his little sister and…Kaylie.”

            “Who is Kaylie? Is that a new sister I don’t know about?”

            I shook my head no and a tear went down my eye.

            “Casey?” He looked at me with caring eyes.

            “She is…” I drifted off, I didn’t want to tell him.

            “Is she a friend?” I shook my head no again.

            “She is…my daughter.” I cried.

            “Your daughter?” I nodded.

            “Honey, don’t be upset, I am not here to judge you, is she staying with the boyfriend?” He looked over to me.

            “Yeah…Meredith didn’t find out until she smashed my ribcage when I was 4 and half months pregnant.”

            “When was she born?”

            “3 days ago…” I cried again.

            “Dear god Casey, what has Meredith done?”

            “She has threatened to kill me and her and everyone if I told anyone, and I just want my little girl to be safe, it is killing me to be away from her.” I wiped my eyes with my sleeve.

            “I am taking care of this, this isn’t right. She will be prisoned.”

            “I already have people on it, and I trust them completely.” A slight ‘ouch’ slid through my teeth after that, I was still in pain.

            “What happened, are you okay?”

            “Yeah, I am just still healing, I got home from the hospital yesterday.”

            “Casey, I am so sorry that you had to go through all of this, I just wish I would’ve known, she has lied to me all these years.”

            “I wish you were around too, you are so nice and awesome, I had no idea.” I smiled at him.

            “Well, legally I can’t send you back there until I know she is imprisoned.”

            “I know, I am prepared mentally to stay here until necessary, but not physically, I have no clothes.”

            “Well, it is only 2 pm here, want to go get some new ones?” He smiled at me.

            “I guess, how much?” I looked at him.

            “Whatever you want, did I mention I was rich?” He laughed.

            We spent the whole afternoon together, I got like 10 new outfits and 2 sundresses. One in which I put on with a pair of black flats he bought me. He even took me to get my hair done, I never realized how pretty my hair was, we got it waved and it was so pretty wavy and long. It made my green eyes stand out, for the first time I felt pretty.

            We ended our spree on dinner, he took me to one of his favorite places, where he was known, all the waiters and the owner knew him.

            “Order whatever you want.” I looked at the menu and thought, it has been a while since I ate real food. I settled with a salad with chicken pieces on it.

            “So how is Kaylie?” He asked.

            “Good from what I know and last saw. I miss her like crazy.” I continued eating.

            “I’d like to meet her, and when we get back you can call him if you would like to.”

            “Are you sure?”

            “Yeah, you aren’t getting into any trouble here I promise.” I felt like things would be okay with me and my father, I really just wish I knew he was a great guy.

            We finally got back to his condo and I sat down on the couch while he went to change out of his suit, he lent me his phone since I have no idea what happened to mine.

            “Hello?” I heard.


            “Casey?! Oh my god, are you okay?”

            “Yes, Nick I am fine, I’m at my fathers.”

            “In NYC? How did you end up there?”

            “Meredith thought she would make my life miserable.”

            “How is he?”

            “He is actually really awesome, I didn’t expect it, and he is filthy rich, he took me out shopping, I got some new clothes and shoes, I even got Kaylie a few clothes. Speaking of which, how is she?”

            “I think she knows you aren’t here, she won’t sleep, I’m holding her right now. I had to go out and buy formula, she does like it, thank god.”

            “That’s good, I miss you both like crazy.”

            “We miss you too, I have to go, she needs to be changed, I love you.”

            “I love you too, call you tomorrow.”

            I went upstairs and Charlie showed me my room, it was huge, with its’ own bathroom, and it was beautiful, I wish I could bring Nick and Kaylie to live here.

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