nineteen || gambol

Start from the beginning

"I'm Antonio Rivera of the United States Military, I am currently serving in Afghanistan." He said into the microphone as thousands of people cheered for him, but Georgia had both of her hands to her mouth in shock. Carli nudged her, and she did not need to think twice as their eyes locked, a huge grin coming to his lips. She broke into a run towards him, and he opened his arms to catch her in his arms. Georgia wrapped her arms around him as she let tears of joy spill down her cheeks, nuzzling her head into the crook of his neck. His arms wrapped around her torso and he lifted her up and spun her around. 

"You have a beard." Was the first thing Georgia said to him when she was able to find her words, and he let out a hearty laugh as he wrapped his arms around her, guiding her back towards the sideline with the rest of her team.

"I had not had exactly had a lot of downtime to write you letters, let alone shave." He said in her ear, and she laughed softly as Carli spread her arms out wide to welcome him.

"Good to see you back safe, Antonio." She said, giving him a hug. 

"I am as well. It's really good to see you." Antonio answered with a smile.

"So, this is the army boyfriend we have only heard numerous stories about?" Steph asked, causing everyone including Coach Cushing to let out a laugh.

"Yes, I am the rumored boyfriend. It is very nice to meet all of you. You all played wonderfully." He said with a show stopping smile, and the girls appears to swoon.

"You've got a keeper there, GJ." Cushing commented, and they laughed.

"Yeah, I guess I'll keep him around." Georgia beamed, wrapping her arms around him once more. She looked up to him, her tears dried now as happiness coursed through her. She had not been this happy since Christmas when he had surprised her last. 

"Alright ladies, it was an excellent season. Coming out on top isn't easy, but we managed to finish number one in the Premier League three years in a row. I am very proud of all of you. Enjoy your time off, players going on loan, enjoy Australia." Cushing stated with a huge smile on his face, and they all clapped, congratulating each other on a season well done. They all lingered for a bit, but then dispersed to the locker room to change and head back to their homes. Georgia changed quickly then went back towards the tunnel where Antonio was waiting. 

"I'm so sorry that I couldn't keep in touch with you, and that I missed your birthday and every holiday in between. It has been a little rough with being away in the field the entire time I was there, but I'm so happy I finally got to see a game, and finally get to see you." He said, and she smiled, shaking her head and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"It's okay. All that matters is that you're here now and you're unharmed." She responded, pulling away and caressing his cheek. A soft smile was exchanged between the two, and he grabbed her hand from his face, pulling her closer than they already were.

"I love you so much." He said softly before planting a kiss on her lips. She smiled against him, wrapping her arms around him.

"I love you too." Georgia finally responded with a huge grin on her face. He wrapped his arm around her neck and she wrapped her arm around his waist, the two of them heading out of the tunnel together and back to her apartment.


Light broke through the patio door window as the sun peeked out from behind the buildings of Manchester. She woke from her sleep, Antonio's arms wrapped around her waist and his soft breathing against her neck. She looked at the clock on her phone, the time reading quarter to eight. Georgia sighed as she heard a soft knocking on her front door, taking a minute to realize there was someone actually knocking on the door. She quickly dressed herself in one of Antonio's sweatshirts, one he had given her before she ever left for Manchester, and pulled on a pair of spandex before planting a kiss on Antonio's cheek and leaving the room. 

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