28 - Paige's Choice

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The killer (whose name Paige still didn't know) was silent, and Paige couldn't stand it after waiting so long for answers.

"Yeah," she declared. "I was there. The day you killed Michael and the guy with the bike. And I filmed it."

"Really?" Panic seemed to set in.

"Yes. Of course I did." Ha, as if. Paige thought to herself. Like I could afford a camera. I could barely afford to feed myself that day. 

"Then why are you here?"


"Why are you talking to me instead of taking that video to the police?"

"I don't know! I wanted to know why you did it. Christ, I still do - since when have you been known for killing defenseless old men?!"

He sighed. "Okay, okay. Just calm down -"

"Calm down?! You're a serial killer."

"Look, I'll tell you the truth, if you delete the video." Paige agreed, as she had never had the video in the first place. But he didn't have to know that. "Killing that guy - Michael - that was a one-off. And the man on the motorbike tried to stop me from getting away. I only drew the 'X' in blood on his arm so everyone would think it was the X Killer. Whoever he is - he's not me, and I don't know who is."

The perfect scapegoat... Well, not really perfect. Would have been perfect if Michael was a kid.

"So why did you kill him?" Paige asked, close to tears. She was surprised at how well she was coping with the new information, but had Michael really died for no reason at all?

"I was paid. And I needed the money."

Paige's voice was trembling, but she forced herself to speak. "Who paid you?"

"I can't tell you." He thought for a moment. "Look, I'll make you a deal. Even if you delete that video, you still know where I live. So if you keep your mouth shut, about everything, I'll give you a cut of the money. And if you take the money and talk, I'll find out. And I'm not the kind of guy you want to mess with."

No shit, Paige thought with spite. I already saw you murder two people. 

"Or you can go. You can tell the police everything. They might catch me, they might not. But the truth will be out. They'll find out I'm not the X Killer, but they'll know I've murdered, and you'll get a happy ending with me in prison for killing your friend. So choose."

Paige was at a loss. Avenge Michael, or start over. Again. Taking this money would change everything - her life, her future. But was the past more important? Not to mention that the situation was incredibly unfair on - everyone, really. 

She could have spent a long time deliberating on this choice, but the killer was eyeing her expectantly. She had to choose, and she had to do it now. 


Clementine had finished rearranging the office to exactly how it had been when Michael had worked in there. She locked the door behind her; it wouldn't be opened again. With some relief, she heard Paige's motorbike outside and met her in the driveway. 

"Clementine," she greeted her. "I need to tell you something."

For the first time, Clementine hugged her, and Paige began to feel guilty for what she was about to do. "I'm glad you're back. What did you need to tell me?"

"I'm... I'm still leaving."

Clementine tried to smile, but couldn't find the will. "Then - why are you here?"

"I just - came to say goodbye. And thank you, truly. For everything."

Clementine tried to hide her sadness at the prospect of being alone again. She glanced at a rucksack on Paige's back. "What's in the bag?"

"Just a few things I picked up on my way here." Yeah, just a few things, Paige thought, Just £300,000 in cash. Nothing major. 

"Good luck, Paige."

And with that, Clementine went back into the house. She closed the curtains so she wouldn't have to watch Paige ride away. 

Paige mounted the bike and rode out of Clementine's driveway for the last time. As if a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders, she began to enjoy the sight of the snow-covered road and the feeling of wind in her hair. And with that, she left the street with no name without looking back and all of the bad memories that came with it. 

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