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Where is X?

By Casey Clarke

Yesterday evening, a body of teenage Rhys Williams was found near the local high school he attended. Just a few hours ago, the police released a statement announcing that he is another victim of the notorious X Killer, also known as 'X'. 

"Yes, he was found with an 'X' drawn on his arm in blood like all of the other victims," a police officer answered when questioned about the murder. "More information will be available when we have the results of the autopsy, which we will discuss at the press conference tomorrow."

When asked whether there were any leads to go on, the officer reassured us that the killer would soon be caught. However, hopes are not high for concerned parents, as the X Killer has now been active for more than five years.

In many murder mysteries, it is common knowledge that the police are either useless or aggressive, and usually contribute little to the story, if anything at all. In this case, common knowledge is correct.

X has been walking the streets and destroying lives for a long time, both physically and emotionally, and there's still a lot the police do not know. What they do know is that he murders 11-16-year-olds by repeatedly stabbing them in the back before leaving his mysterious calling card, painting a bloody 'X' on the victim's arm, and depositing the child's body outside the high school that they attended. They do not know what his motives are, or who his accomplices might be, or even if he is a man. All they can do is make assumptions and hope that the public remain calm.

The police have no leads, but this is because they are missing the bigger picture. There are, in fact, several leads to go on and different perspectives to look from. On the other hand, perhaps it will always be a mystery. 

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