15 - Stakeout

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Grayson 6:32

Meet me at 33 Crimson Avenue asap.

Grayson 7:05


Grayson 8:38

Dude get your lazy butt out of bed, we only have four days now. Don't spend the rest of them snoring

Grayson 9:13

You're the worst investigator ever.

Justin 9:46

Your lack of faith is disturbing. Don't worry, I'm on my way.

Justin 9:47

And crimson avenue? I have plenty of questions but firstly why crimson?

Grayson 9:50

You always have questions

Grayson 9:50

Take your time, not like I've been waiting for you for nearly four hours

Justin 9:52

Revenge for you leaving last night :)

Grayson 9:55

You looked busy.

Grayson put his phone down. After leaving the bar, he'd followed Nolan to his home: 33 Crimson Avenue. It was a two-storey building with a large driveway. Grayson wondered if he lived there alone or not. If he had a family or roommate, did they know about his double life? Factory worker by day, dealer by night? He was only dealing silver, yes, but it was still illegal.

Grayson sat in his car for ten more minutes before he saw Justin walking down the street. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. I shouldn't have got here so early, he thought. The guy hasn't even left his house yet. He stifled a yawn as Justin entered the car.

"So, why are we here?"

Grayson explained that he'd seen Nolan at the bar the night before and had followed him home after watching him sell colloidal silver.

"You actually followed him here?"

"Well, I didn't think it was the best idea to go back to the factory," he explained. He looked at Justin and was met with a reproachful expression. "Don't judge me. What we're doing here - it could save lives!"

Justin rolled his eyes and looked through the windshield at the house Grayson had parked a few metres away from. "So what's next?"

"He's gotta leave his house at some point. And when he does, I say we do some snooping around." Grayson smiled triumphantly; he'd put together a real plan that didn't include any improvisation.

"You want to break in?"


Justin began to laugh. "Don't you think it's slightly ironic how many laws you're breaking to bring a killer to justice?"

"Let's... talk about something else."

"Okay, like what?"

"How was your night? I would have stuck around to find out if it wasn't for this guy Nolan -"

"It was pretty good. The girl's name was Lucy, and I got her phone number." Justin spoke about the night nonchalantly, but Grayson wanted to hear more.

"That's it?"

"Yeah," Justin shrugged. "I mean - she asked if I wanted to go back to her place, but I said no."

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