.:Michael Myers x Reader:.

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It has been a little over a year since you somehow escaped the entities realm, along with two other survivors, Jake and Meg. When you were stuck in the trials, you were somehow bound to the shape or Michael Myers. Stuck with him and unable to escape. Every place he was at you were there too. You don't know how long you had been there, but over time you had been able to approach the killer without him raising his knife at you. He even began to start talking with you, mostly just you talking to him and him giving jesters that he heard and understood, sometimes giving a few words of encouragement. Sometimes it was short and sweet but still it was an interaction. Over those weeks, maybe even months, you had grown feelings for the killer, but you knew he wouldn't be able to ever return them. He was the embodiment of evil itself, he had to strike terror into people not love them, but it didn't stop your growing feelings for the closest thing you have had to a friend in a while. You were in the entities version of Haddonfield when you met the two survivors Meg and Jake, when they learned that you had been stuck here with Michael and unable to leave through and exit they dragged you through the hatch screaming for your friend to come and save you. You remember seeing Michael running towards your screams, you could FEEL the rage coming off him in clouds before your world went black.

All of you woke up outside of the real town of Haddonfield, you remember the burning sensation that took over your entire right arm. Looking down as you see four jagged marks that looked like the entities spidery limbs being carved into it. You remember the other survivors looking at you like you were crazy, apparently not seeing the strange looking mark that now adorned your entire wrist. Long story short with the three of your stories to the local task force, all of you were put into the same asylum that Michael had escaped from years prior.

This brings you back to reality, staring into the white padded corner. You were put into solitary confinement, for the random flare ups from the never healing cuts from the entity. It would make you lash out violently, crying and scared for the first few weeks. Sometimes, you would lose complete control over your body, you could only watch as you killed a couple staff member of the asylum. Like the entity took control. You would even sometimes see Michael walking down the halls when you were moved around from cell to cell, but when you turned to look it was just another inmate. After a while, you just accepted your fate. Someone had to take the punishment for escaping.

You didn't know what your disappearance had done to the killer, he was becoming sloppy in killing. He didn't care as much if the survivors got away, the entity didn't like his change in behavior and knew how to make his killer get back on track in his sacrificing.


Tears ran down your face as you think about your time in the trials, all the death and bloodshed you had to see and watch, all their screams of pain ringing through your head. The low burning in your arm multiplied by a ton as a scream ripped through the air that wasn't in your head. It bounced off the walls and around the vacant halls of the asylum. All was silent until you heard someone running down the hall towards your cell, before a body was hear being slammed to the ground with a wet crunch, and blood was splattered onto the little glass window of your door. One of the other inmates probably got out, you shook it off before a body slammed onto your door denting it inwards. Gasping, you quickly hid under your bed, huddling in the furthest corner. You jump when the door flew off its hinges and hit the wall with a loud bang. You quickly hid your face, there was only one inmate that had the strength to do that. Chris, you couldn't remember his last name, but he was spoken by the others as extremely dangerous. Not even running could help you, you only peeked when you heard slow footsteps enter your room. You closed your eyes when you saw the black boots and ripped blue jeans. You didn't want to die here, you just didn't. You whimper when your heard their cloths shuffle as he crouched, and gave a loud shriek when he grabbed your ankle. Pulling you out from under the bed with one swift yank. You refused to move, you didn't want to give him the pleasure of seeing your fear, even though you were sure that he could quite literally feel it pouring from you. You were shaking and whimpering, it only increased when you felt hands on your wrists, covering the open gashes but it didn't hurt. You allow him to pull your hands away from your face but you didn't open your eyes until you felt a hand gently stroke along your cheek.

You tear up when you see Michael Myers himself, his head tilted to the side when he noticed your tears and tensed.

He didn't like it, you were crying. What did they do to you to make you so scared? He held you bridal style as he got up and began to walk through the asylum to the exit. He looked for so long, trying to find you. Only when he spilled enough blood did the entity mark her, for him to find his (Y/N). They had to go back though, there was no way around it. He could pay the entity in blood to get a separate place to go to outside of trial and to keep her safe. When (Y/N) wrapped her arms around his neck and nuzzle it, it sealed her fate. As he walked out a black mist began to form and as he walk forward it consumed them. Disappearing into the entities realm.

You feel the familiar cool mist of the entity curl around you both, Michael's arms tightening around your form as he stepped into a nice looking house, way different than those in the trials.

You tighten your arms in return and breathe a laugh

"You came for me..."

Michael moved his head so his masked face was brushing your neck.

"...I...will always...come...for you...make...me feel...at...peace...loved...love you..."

Your eyes widened as you smile and move to a small portion of his neck that was exposed and lightly kissed it.

"I love you too"

Next thing you know, you were set down on your feet pressed against the wall by the 6'4 hulking man with one of his arms above your head the other still holding your waist. His mask was half way up exposing his lips before he leaned down and softly and sweetly kissed you.

This must prove that there is even light in the most darkest of places, you just needed the right one to set it free.

?❤️? 😏--->

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