Wraith x Reader

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You were fighting to breath as you jump over for what seemed like the millionth pallet, trying to lose your pursuer. You were being chased by one of the weakest killers, the Wraith. He just seems to be infatuated with you, he has not gone after another survivor since the trial had started. He hasn't given up the chase like most killers would have, even if he lost you he would only look for you.

You throw down another pallet when he got too close for comfort, stunning him. When you round the corner, you could have sworn you heard him let out a feral growl. You ran and hid by a stack of cars and held your breath when the barely visible form of the killer stalked passed your location. You held in a growl when he completely ignored Nea who was out in the open, and just walked past her.

Never the less, you sigh in relief as you think you lost him this time. You walk into an abandoned shack slowly went down into the basement area, looking for a chest. Missing the shimmering form slowly making its way to the shack.

Where was she? She had to be around here somewhere, she had ran this way, and he knew it. When he made it into the shack and uncloaked, he looked around and in the lockers. He looked to the stairs, no one would have gone down there, right? Wrong, he spotted fading scratch marks. Smirking to himself, he may have found his little minx. Slowly he began to walk down the stairs, he wanted to enjoy this moment. Only for a male survivor to turn the corner and try to run past him. The Wraith was mad, having not found his little minx swung at the male, he would die.

The Wraith swung his scepter down onto the males back cutting into the flesh, and before the male was able to jump through the window, the Wraith downed him. You watch as the Wraith picked Jake up and walk back down into the basement to be hung.

As glad as you were you left the basement when you did, you couldn't help but to feel a little bad about the situation you had put Jake into. You take in a deep breath and start walking back into the basement when the cloaked form of the wraith ran past you, and out of the shack. Running down you pulled him off and the two of you ran out of the basement, to find the wriath uncloaking at the top of the stairs.

Darting in front of Jake you took a hit for him so he could get away, the Wraith had focused on you once again. You mentally prepare for the chase, and quickly throw down a pallet down to gain some distance.

"...Stop running...little minx...I wish not...to hurt..."

Looking over your shoulder, you gasp at how close he was to you. Making a split decision you turn sharply around and dart past him, and under his outstretched arm. Growling he turned and gave chase again. You run around a little shack and run into it, and jump out the window only for the Wraith to grab hold of your arm a little roughly.

"...No more...tricks...little minx..."

You try to get out of his hold as the last generator is done, jerking your arm. Whimpering when the Wraith tightened his hold on your arm, and began walking away from the gates towards a fairly old looking house.

You let out a disbelieving huff as the other three survivors just left, without even trying to come and help you.

"It will...be ok...soon...I will...Protect..."

You look at him surprised, and look down slightly sad that the killer shown more kindness to you than your own teammates.

"I'm (Y/N)"

You smiled up at him, when he turned and looked at you, he gave off a small smile.

"...my name...is...Philip...Philip Ojomo..."

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