Michael Myers x Reader

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Say what?! Two stories in one day? I'm on a freaking roll! ;D

You pull at the sleeves of your (F/C) hoodie, the mark on your arm burning, as you walked through the seemingly abandoned town. He was near and he was watching, you could feel it. You have had a run into Michael before, and he stood there watching you. He didn't make any movements until you turned tail and ran, trying to incapacitate you, you guessed. However, he didn't chase you like the other survivors, Merciless and cunning. He chased you like he didn't want the chase to end.

Shaking your head from your thoughts as the burning on your wrist becomes worse, you give off a small whimper. As quietly as you could, you crept into one of those abandoned houses. Spotting a staircase heading into a garage, you make a mental note of that before you slip up the staircase going into the second floor. Unaware of the masked man that came up from the downstairs.

He looked around the small abandoned house, the mark on his arm was humming and slightly burning. He knew that meant you were very close to his location, and he intended that to stay that way. He made it a point to slow down whenever he was chasing you, he never and will never take a hit on you. The only was he wanted to catch you, was in his arms. His love and his...obsession, it was such a strange feeling, he never felt that besides with his mother, but this was different...stronger. He would be damned, well...scratch that, he will stop killing before he lets you get away. He looks around as the burning on his arm flairs, making his vision turn slightly red for a moment. Before he looked up, seeing your form working on a generator on the second floor. He grinned for a moment, he found you. His grin slowly turned to a frown as he remembered you could still leave him if five generators were done, and four were already finished. He had already killed two of the survivors earlier and didn't care for the last one as long as he got you.

Michael walked up the stairs and stood in the doorway, no windows were open, and you were trapped. He watched as you fixed the generator for a moment before he slammed the blade of his knife into the doorframe, imbedding it to grab your attention.

You jump and spin around when a slam was heard, Michael Myers stood in the doorway with his weapon stuck in the wall. Hell over half of his knife was in the wall. Both of you just stood there in a standoff, him blocking the only exit and you looking for a way out. No movement was made until the last generator was complete and he lunged at you, his arms wide. You tuck and roll under him, and sprint out the room and down the stairs. Michael had retrieved his weapon and was on your tail as soon as your feet hit the porch.

You spotted the last survivor opening the exit door and, sprinted into another abandoned house that was close to the exit and waited for the other survivor to open the exit you bother were at. When it opened you sprinted out, only to feel an arm wrap around your waist and you were lifted onto a shoulder before you were carried off. You squirm and wiggle, trying to get out of his hold but nothing seems to loosen his grip on you. When he got to a house you didn't recognize, he just...dropped you? That was when a blur passed you jerking you along by your arm.

"Come on! The exit is open, now is our chance! I flashed him with my flashlight so he will be stunned for a few moments!"

You both made it to the exit before the other survivor was on the ground, moaning in pain. You jerk your head to see a seemingly pissed off Michael. His breathing was ragged as he watched you. The survivor looked at you and yelled.

"Get out of here! What are you waiting for?! Go!!"

You watch Michael while he watches you in return before you take a deep breath before speaking to him.

"I can't leave even if I wanted to, could I?"

Michael just nodded.

"Then let them leave, I will stay if you let them leave..."

Michael stood there twirling his knife, leaning his head side to side, contemplating. It is better to have a willing deal than an unwilling. Before he bent over and grabbed the survivor, giving you another look before taking them to the exit and dropping them next to it.

When he came back, Michael reached his hand out for you to take. When you took it, he grinned under his mask. He had caught you, not the way he wanted, but he now had you.

"...Lets show you around...you won't be leaving...ever..."

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