Hillbilly x Reader pt 2

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You groan in pain as you sit up from the gravel, you slowly put a hand to your temple trying to stop your world from spinning. You look around your surroundings as you slowly get up from your spot on the ground. The sky was still dark, but you could see a small dirt road with nothing but woods on either side. You heave a sigh and start to walk along the path away from the Coldwind Farm. Hoping you would get home soon, so you could crawl into your bed. Oh how you missed having a soft place to lay down and a warm blanket t curl up into. You walked for what seemed like hours before you came into a clearing, you let out an aggravated sigh. You didn't want to be caught unaware, and there was certainly no place to hide if danger came running.

You were pondering your options when a branch snapped behind you, alerting you that you were not alone. Your breathing stopped as you slowly turned and look behind you. The moonlight helped you slim to none, but you didn't see anything so you let go of the breath you were holding. That was until you saw a set of green orbs watching you accompanied by low growling. Maybe it was a coyote, but then there was never just one around. Slowly you begin to move into the clearing, moving your arms so they covered any vital spots on your neck and head. The shape fallowed your movements and stalked forward. When the dim moonlight hit it, your heat dropped. What had stepped out of the underbrush was not a coyote, it was a mountain lion. It looked starved, agitated, and its fur was matted and falling out. It looked like it came out of a zombie movie, literally half dead. It was pacing back and forth, growling before it leaped at you. You didn't jump out of the way in time, so it slammed into your side knocking you into the ground.

You could feel its teeth ripping through your sleeves and into your arms, trying to get at your neck. You scream as it thrashes its head side to side, its teeth ripping into your arms. Its jagged claws ripping into your shirt. You had managed to kick it off once, but it had jumped right back onto you again. You were scream for what seemed like hours before the revving of a chainsaw was heard approaching. You have never been so happy to hear such a sound, You let out a high pitch yelp as the Lion was ripped off of you. You heard it let out a strangled roar before you heard your savior grunt. All was silenced by a sickening sound of flesh being ripped apart followed by the sound of bone crunching. The last thing you were able to remember was being picked up bridal style and carried off somewhere before your vision went black.

He didn't know what to do when he had heard your screams. He had never been out of his 'home' before, and was in no rush to leave. However, he knew the sound of your scream, and it sounded like you were in a lot of pain. He had caused enough of it when you were in the trial. He turned and ran as fast as he could with his limp towards your screams. When he got there and saw that beast trying to get a bite at your neck, he lost it and hacked the beast to pieces. When he was done and stood over your cut up and bleeding body. He quickly bundled you up before taking off back to the Coldwind Farm, he was not going to let you die.


You awoke with a gasp and quickly sat up, startling Billy so bad he jumped. You were gasping for air and holding a hand to your chest. Wincing as you aggravated the wounds on your arms. He looked at you confused, his head tilted to the side, asking a non-verbal question. When you finally got your breathing under control, you look at him.

"I...I'm fine Billy..." You gave him a weak smile.

He stares as you for a moment before leaning over you, taking your hands gently. Showing you the slightly gruesome bandages. They were sloppily wrapped and looked like a child did them. Blood was beginning to seep through in some spots. You looked back up at Billy and he looked happy, prideful even.

"Did you wrap my wounds?

You only got a nod and he puffed his chest out a little.

"Thank you...but I need to change them now...blood is coming through."

He seemed to deflate at that, but hands you a medkit and proceeds to watch you patch yourself up.

When you finished and took a couple of pain pills, you let out a sigh of content.

-Two weeks later-

Billy didn't let you leave after that incident, he told you it was too dangerous. He kept his foot down even with you denial, he wasn't going to let you out of the Coldwind Farm. He never really let you out of his sight unless you stayed in the underground.

You look over to Billy, who was seated against the wall with his arms resting on his knees, but you couldn't see his milky white eyes you had come to like so much. You slowly crawl over to him off of the mattress he had gotten from somewhere. His head was resting against the wall, tilted so you couldn't really see his face. You smiled and closed your eyes, he was so adorable sometimes, but you have to remember he was a killer. Even if he was nothing but sweet to you, but I didn't stop you from growing feelings for the childish male.

Billy awoke with a start, he blinked a couple times before his eyes settled on your form. He smiled and pulled you up into his lap, pulling a small squeal from you. With your legs on either side of his waist he held your head to his chest, playing with your hair. When you tried to pull back a little Billy gave a small whine, indicating he wanted this to last a little while. You sigh and buried your face into his chest. Surprisingly, he didn't smell like blood, guts, and gore. He carried the scent of morning dew and corn. Billy slowly began to rub circles into your back and you slowly began to fall into a blissful sleep.

The last thing you remember was him laying his head atop of yours and his raspy voice filling the air.



Hope you all liked this one...

I have seen all the wanted stories, and I am working on them. I will be posting another in a couple days, and a little hint.

It will be a Wraith x Reader >:)

Love you guys! again thank you for your support!~<3

Dead By Daylight x ReadersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora