Wraith x Reader

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You hiss as the sparks zapped your arms, jerking back and rolling away to sprint away from the generator as fast as you could. Just as you ducked behind a tree, the warning sound of the Killers bell went off as he uncloaked and checked the area. You held your breath as he slowly made his way to your hiding place by the tree. You squeeze your eyes closed hoping he doesn't see you, his growling right behind you now. You started to tremble waiting for the painful slash of his scepter but it never came. The warning sound of his bells rang through the air from somewhere behind you as he cloaked. You were surprised but mostly relieved, most of the time he would somehow find you and half of the time it would end in a chase where you would get hit at least once. You look around surveying the area trying to make sure he was gone before slowly making your way back to the generator you had previously left, not seeing the shimmering form mirroring your every movement.

Unknown to you the wraith had seen you, and stood behind the tree closest behind you. Wondering why he didn't take the easy hit on you, why he didn't want to hurt you again. What a strange feeling, he didn't understand it. He wanted to know why, why you made him feel this way, why he couldn't raise his scepter to slice into your flesh. Him, the wraith, a merciless killer drained of his will to kill at all by a mere human. He will find out, even if he had to keep you here...forever.

As you made you way back to the generator unaware of the wraith following and mirroring your every move. Even with two more generators left to fix, he marked you mentally more important than the other scummy survivors making you his main priority. Watching you from just outside the door as you slowly finished up the generator, crouched balancing on his haunches. When the generator made a clicking noise and turned on, you shot up and ran towards the door only to run into a standing invisible force of the wraith knocking you down from the force. As he uncloaks, you couldn't move, rooted to your spot on the floor. It was a stare down for a couple seconds, as he stared at you tilting his head to the side before making a grab at you. You roll to the side to avoid him, and made a run for it with the wraith on your heels. You threw down pallets in an attempt to slow him down. Jumping through windows in a desperate attempt to lose him or slow him down.

At first the wraith had been amused at her silly attempts to "Juke" him, but now it was slowly beginning to irritate him. You try to lose him in an abandoned house running through the door towards a window. The wraith, knowing your tricks was already coming through that window. Making a quick right, you run up the stairs to jump out of one of the balcony windows, only to find both of them were boarded up with no escape for you. The wraith slowly made his way towards you, his scepter lowered as he held his hand, palm up, towards you. You watched him warily, not sure what to make of his new found behavior, looking into his shining milky white eyes

"...Come..." His voice, it sounded so raspy and pained, like it hurt to even speak. You were about to take his hand out of curiosity, but the howl of a wolf rang through the air as the last generator was done. The wraith jerked away from you as his eyes go from his normal milky white to an almost blood red as he swung his scepter in a blind rage, hitting you. Taking the chance you dart past him. He must have snapped out of that little rage because he was after you as soon as you hit the bottom of the stairs. Running towards the door with him hot on your heels, you slam the wooden pallet down across the door, knocking him on the head effectively stunning him and ran not waiting for him to recover. When he snapped out of being stunned, he watched your retreating form. His growl turned into a snarl that shook his whole being, and he swung his scepter down onto the pallet so hart that it broke in half with one swing and took off after you with new found determination. Your eyes widened as you heard the snarl and the snapping of the pallet, and you could hear his snarling, he was catching up to you quickly, that alone made you sprint a little faster. The gates where already open, and you could see the other survivors already leaving.

As soon as you pass through the gates of the only escape route you knew of, the wraith cringed as he hit you another time, effectively downing you, sealing your fate. As gently as he could, he picked you up and put you on his shoulder and began to make his way towards a small not too far off shack. You didn't put up much of a fight, and didn't bother to struggle. No one was left here and he could easily chase you down and catch you again.

Going downstairs into the basement you mentally groaned, but as he took you passed the hooks you got confused. You look over your backside and see a hallway leading deeper into the underground that wasn't there during the initial trial. As the wraith began to walk you both down you felt a prick into your side and a rough and scratchy voice filled the silent void.

"I'm sorry... but you're not going to be leaving yet..."

Then your vision faded to black.


Author's Note:

So...that one is done, I may or may not do a part two. Depends on the feedback I get on it.

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