Legion x (Fem)Reader 🍋

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FYI: this is a continuation of the first Legion x Reader, if you haven't read it...well...read it :p

This Chapter contains SMUT, if you are underage or do not like reading SMUT
This chapter is not for you!!!

Let's get staaaarted!

Your face flushed at his words, his smirk only widened when he noticed your red hue. Frank slowly started to stalk forward, in an almost predatory fashion, the smirk staying strong on his lips. You match his slow steps moving backward, feeling a lot like a mouse caught in a trap in that moment. Frank shed his jacket and his mask throwing them onto a desk not far away in the corner of the room leaving him in his tank top showing off most of his lean muscled frame. Frank was stronger than he looked and you knew that for a fact. His eyes had shifted to look behind your briefly before looking back to you, the action happened so quick you almost didn't catch it. He took one long step forward making you shoot back two steps, but what you didn't count on was to fall onto the bed. It hit the back of your legs, and you fell over into the cool blankets.

Frank didn't miss a heartbeat, he was over you before you could regain your senses. Pinning your wrists down next to your head, pressing them into the bed. As he hovered over you, his icy blue stare caught your own (E/C) one. Your face gathering the same red hue when you noticed the position you both were in. Frank was loosely straddling your form hovering over your body, but not touching. Only holding your wrists, Frank leaned down so his face was just over yours his smirk gone and his eyes half lidded. While you were mesmerized by his gaze and he to yours, He pulled your wrists so your arms were over your head and took hold of both in one large hand. He set his now free hand against your cheek, running his thumb just under your eye. His lips just barley touching yours, it took everything in you not to try and jump the guy. You could feel his slow exhales as he looked into your eyes, and a few mere moments he summed to be satisfied with whatever he was looking for and pressed his lips to your hungrily. You moved so that he settled between your legs resting comfortably against you, Frank more than willing to comply but did not allow the kiss to be broken.

When air called for it however the kiss was broken and Frank pressed his forehead into yours, looking into your eyes with a lustful hunger that had a familiar heat pooling in your nether regions. Once you both caught your breath, Frank captured your lips again this time running his tongue across your bottom lip before lightly biting it. His free hand going down your body, feeling it and ghosting across your skin leaving goosebumps in its wake. You smirked lightly and didn't respond to his silent question, you heard a slight growl from the bigger male as he bit a little harder on your lip and his free hand gripped your ass harshly. You let out a surprised gasp, Frank immediately took advantage and claimed your lips again. This time your tongues clashing in a battle for dominance over your mouth. Frank began massaging where he had grabbed, working the small amount of pain away into something much more pleasurable. When you moaned he pressed his body against you, becoming more apparent at how 'excited' he really was and it was clear, he wasn't going to be small.

You huffed through your nose as he pinned your tongue down with his own and explored his new found territory with a chuckle. Frank's tongue rubbed against your own before he withdrew from the kiss, he kissed the corner of your lips before kissing and nibbling down your jaw and neck trying to find your sweet spot he took his time. Frank started trailing he hand upwards, under your shirt and up your stomach massaging his way up to your breasts. When he reached the spot just next to where the side of your throat and collarbone meet you let out a low moan. You felt that smirk of his return as he latched onto that spot with a passion, kissing, sucking and nibbling that spot till it made a mark. You moaned and arched your back so you pressed into him, trying to half heartedly get your wrists free, but he would have none of it as his hand tightened slightly to prevent that escape.

Dead By Daylight x ReadersTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon