Chapter Seventeen: Be Careful

Start from the beginning

I huffed and rubbed my face, I didn't want to admit it, but I was almost sure that we were now much more lost than before.

"Alright, so maybe I don't-" I started to say, but was cut off by Joshua's sounds of victory.

"Aha! I knew it!" He gloated. I rolled my eyes and was about to give him another arm punch when I was cut off again.

"Lilly, look!" Joshua started to point excitedly towards something behind me. I pivoted my body towards the direction that he was pointing to. It was a large white building with giant green letters. The sign read "Asda" and next to it were the words "Wal-Mart Supercentre".

We both started to sprint towards the building, upon seeing the first familiar place in ages. I mean, who didn't feel safety and hope in Wal-Mart?

We quickly made it to the automatic doors and walked our way in.

I turned my attention towards Joshua who was bowing down to a nearby chip aisle.

"We made it! We made it!" He chanted.

"You are so ridiculous." I laughed when he started to hug a Lays bag tight.

I gasped when I caught sight of a familiar package, earning a quizzical look from Joshua. I walked towards the aisle of Ramen Noodle packages and grasped one of the foam cups.

"What's that?" Joshua asked standing next to me, holding the chip bag.

My mouth dropped open in shock; I couldn't even get any words out.

"You don't know what Ramen Noodles are?" I gasped in continued shock.

"Is it like spaghetti or something?" Joshua looked really confused about the whole thing.

"I've gone for months just eating these suckers, and you've never tasted them?" I was completely appalled. How do you live your entire life without having Ramen Noodles?

It seemed impossible.  I grabbed a few more boxes and started to lead us towards the cash registers. I gave Joshua a glance and saw that he had an arm full of Ramen noodles, about fifteen boxes tops.

"Why are you getting so many? I already have some." I lifted the three boxes filled with foam cups up to show him.

"You think I'm going to get full with one of these," He questioned, holding a cup up in the air, mirroring my pose.

"Also, have you seen how cheap these are?" He looked entirely too excited about taking almost the entire row.

Tell me about it, I thought.

I rolled my eyes, but continued our way towards the registers.

The cashier lady had a really obvious English accent when she greeted us. We finally made our way to the front of the line. During the five minutes that we had stood there waiting, Joshua had already put about twenty more things onto the conveyer belt, earning a narrowed look from me.

Who the hell was going to eat three snicker bars, six bags of skittles, and about five other bags of chips? Him?

Our items were rung up and I handed the money to the woman. Joshua was pulling the bags out and holding them in his hands, when he gave me a pointed look.

I knew that he wanted me to ask for directions as his own personal form of punishment for getting us even more lost. I rolled my eyes, debating on whether or not to give in.

Huffing, I spoke grudgingly and asked for directions to our hotel. 

The English woman laughed before saying, "The hotel? Well, It's right behind here, actually" The irony of the cashier's words hit me like a slap to the face.

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