Dota 1 vs 5 (Disadvantage) and the Unexpected Power

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Terrorblade: No!

Ash: Too late Terror (Uses Blink) KAMEHAMEHAAAAAA!! (Goku's power and Ash's New Power).

Terrorblade stood widened in shocked that Ash uses the Super Kamehameha which make the Terrorblade yelled in pain and he is unconscious and had burns.

(In the stands)

Riki: Hey. I know that move....

Davion: What is that Rikimaru?

Riki: It is called Super Kamahameha which it is from Goku.

Sven: How did you know that.

Riki: It is in the manga.

Wukong: Oh..... Maybe I can read the manga for now...

Sven: (smirks) Anime Lovers!

Davion: (laughs)

Kael: And Terrorblade is on the ground! 2 left!

Purist use his ultimate to avoid slashes from Ash but it failed that the Shadow ball hit him hard.

Purist: Now I can't use my Purification, Repel and My Ultimate! I'll be Dead!!

Ash: Too Bad!! (Teleports behind him)

But suddenly Lanaya use Meld to avoid hit from Ash and protects Purist using Refraction from getting knocked out by Ash. With even know that the Omniknight was out cold.

Ash: Impressive Lanaya.

But Ash got hit by the psi blades which caused him to cough blood and yelled in pain.

Lanaya: (thoughts) I can't hurt him. No!

Ash: It's Ok Lanaya! Keep Going!

Without even knowing, Lanaya set-up 5 Psionic Traps behind him before Terrorblade had Knocked Out.

Ash: What is this?! AAAHH! (Screamed in pain as he stepped in the trap).

Lanaya's eyes widened in shocked that her lover got hit by her trap. She didn't know what she was going to do. She was controlled by someone who met years ago.

In Lanaya's Mind and Pov.

Lanaya: How could I?! How could I hurt him?! I don't want to hurt him!

???: You want to beat him. Won't you?

Lanaya: Shut Up!

???: You just want to be powerful to beat him. That was your promise Right!

Lanaya: Stop this!

???: You are weak and You are a counter pick for Him. But You are disowned, abandon by someone!


No one's Pov

Lanaya unleashes a Massive Psystike and Psychic combo to all directions which caused the crowds eyes widen in fear and shock and also Ash. Lanaya fell into her knees because of such power she has.

Ash use an aura barrier to protect himself from the massive power.

Lanaya: STOP! I FORFEIT! (Lies down)

Kael: Since Lanaya has forfeit, which means.....

Doom: Ash the Juggernaut is the winner so He is now the strongest hero!

The crowds erupted to cheers and cries as Ash runs to Lanaya and summons a healing which she fainted.

Ash: LANAYA! Guys take her to Dazzle and also take the healing ward!

Riki and Davion: On it!

The other girls run to Ash while Lanaya was Carried Away. And also, the Other 4 heroes.

Luna: It's Ok Ash! (Kisses him)

Lyralei: Lanaya will be recover! (Also kissed him)

The girls continued to comfort and kissed him. Ash proved that he is right that Lanaya learned the new power of psychic.

Ash: (thoughts and cries) I can't believe she learned that power...

And Dazzle walked to them.

Dazzle: Ash.

Ash: How was it Dazzle?

Dazzle: Lanaya is Okay.

Ash: Thank Goodness! Where is she?

Dazzle: In your room Ash.

Ash: In My Room?

Dazzle: Yes. Riki,Davion and Wukong decided to take her to your room.

Ash: Thanks Dazzle!

Dazzle: You need it!

Ash: Let's Go Girls!

The girls: Yes Ashy!

Ash: Don't call me that!(angrily said).

The girls giggle as they reached his room.

Ash: Girls. Stay here for a moment.

The Girls: Yes Ash!

After that, Ash enters the room with sad emotion on his face. He sits next to Lanaya who is rested in Ash's Bed.

Ash: Lanaya, I'm sorry for what I have done. I still love you.

Ash takes off his mask and ready to use his healing kiss to Lanaya.

And Ash kisses Lanaya with tender and sweet. Without even knowing, Lanaya's arms were in his neck and accepted the kiss so they can continued until 2 minutes.

After 2 minutes, They broke apart and gasped needed for air.

Lanaya: Ash, that was amazing.

Ash: It sure is.

Lanaya: Ash, can we kiss again?

Ash: Yes.

Both lovers continued their passionate and sweet kiss until Riki and Wukong open the door and deliver the food for them.

Riki: umm....

Wukong: (whispers)Don't interrupt them. Place it on the table.

Riki: (whispers) Got it!

After putting, Riki and Wukong get out of Ash's Room while Ash and Lanaya continued their passionate kiss.

Ash: I love you Lanaya.

Lanaya: I love you too Ash Yurnero.

Done Chapter 4!

So! What do you think?!

Well, These Heroes are counter pick for Juggernaut.

Permanent Move (Dota 2):
Blade Fury
Healing Ward
Blade Dance

New Moves:
From Goku
From Saitama
From Naruto
And All the Pokemon Moves including Aura and Psychic.

I'm just making A Badass Ash.

Word Count: 1370

Ash: The Betrayed Aura-Juggernaut (Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora