Dota 1 vs 5 (Disadvantage) and the Unexpected Power

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(A/N: Guys! Hope it will reach 500 reads and my life will be complete. I will continue writing stories for this one).

3 months later......

Ash is having a Practicing a blade dance for the war. After that, He relaxed for a few minutes but suddenly, an announcement came.

Announcer: Calling out Juggernaut, Templar Assassin, Omniknight, Terrorblade, Lord of Avernus and Phantom Lancer! In the field!

Ash knew that the voices are Kael and Doom. Ash knew that this is gonna be a great and tough battle!

(Music: Colbreakz - 20.000)

And the 6 heroes entered the field.

Ash: Now Kael, What is this?

(A/N: So guys, Kael is a romanized name of Carl the Invoker).

Kael: Ash, This is 1 vs 5 battle. You vs the other 5 heroes.

Purist: Wow! I can't wait to battle him.

Abaddon: Purist, This is advantage battle against him so We have our Immortal Ultimate.

The other 2: Yeah Purist!

Lanaya: What?! I don't wanna hurt him?

Kael: Relax Lanaya, he can use his wards too.

Doom: A battle between Juggernaut vs The 5 heroes! Items are allowed! Battle begin!!

Ash runs himself to the 5 heroes and slash them while Lanaya use Meld to avoid Slashes from Ash and Terrorblade and Phantom Lancer uses Illusions to Escape themselves from his slashes and Purist uses his ultimate skill: Guardian Angel so he can evade and save any ally from Ash's Slashes and Abaddon use his Borrowed Time to heal himself from him with his shield to protect himself and use Silver Edge to get invisible.

Ash: Woah!! Maybe I can use my first skill and wards

Ash uses sentry wards to plant on the ground so Abaddon can be visible.

Abaddon: What the...?

Ash uses his first skill to avoid some damage from his skill and using his Ultimate skill which Abaddon can't run and knock him down unconscious.

Kael: Abaddon is down with an Omnislash!

Doom: How did the Juggernaut so strong?

Kael: He trained for 7 years to get stronger and now, He's the strong hero!!

Terrorblade and Phantom Lancer use illusions and rush on him.

Ash: That won't be happening again!!

Ash teleports himself on their back and use Aura Sphere and Aura Slash from his Katana which cause the illusions are vanished.

Terrorblade: Oh Shoot!!

P. Lancer: Aw Man! My buffs from my power are removed!

Ash: Take This! Falcon Punch!(My inventory skill)

Terrorblade and Phantom Lancer screamed in pain because The falcon punch deals a lot of damage and critical hits. It makes 1 punch to take which make Phantom Lancer unconscious and Terrorblade has now low hp thanks to his high armor so he can survive that power.
(Just like Tuskarr's Walrus Punch! It can cause Critical damage but for Yurnero, his Punch can cause 1 hit like Saitama in One Punch Man)

(A/N:My Inventory and Imaginative Skill like Saitama from One Punch Man)

Doom: P. Lancer is out! 3 left!

Terrorblade uses his Metamorphosis to change form himself and rush on him again. (True form of Terrorblade. His True Demon Form) Ash uses his aura to teleport behind Terrorblade which made him shock. Terrorblade can't use his Ultimate Skill because the skill is disabled when he got hit from aura sphere.

Ash: The Betrayed Aura-Juggernaut (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now