Chapter 1: A new moon

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A baritone voice echoed through the dojo where there was no one except the teenage Shimada brothers. The older one of the two, Hanzo, was pointing his bokken at Genji, who was lying on the floor on his back next to his own bokken. He was bested by his older brother in sword fighting.

Genji groaned. He misplaced himself when he tried to dodge Hanzo's attacks and tripped. "Aniki, can't we just take a break," he whined, slowly pushing the bokken's dull tip away from his nose with a single finger, which Hanzo didn't resist, "'cuz we've been doing this for hours and I'm so, so tired!"

The older boy retreated his sword and placed it at his side, as if sheathing it. He scoffed at Genji's plea. "We shall cease our training when you start calling me 'anigimi' or 'aniue', as you have always should, and when you are able to defeat me."

The floored boy wheezed and stumbled back on his tired feet, rubbing his sore back and loosening his worn out shoulders. "C'mon, anik-- aniue, please?" The young teen stretched out and emphasized the last word while giving Hanzo the best puppy eyes he could muster.

Hanzo furrowed his brows in response and stared back intently. He tried to give Genji a stern look. After a short moment of silence, he sighed and eyed away. "Fine."

With the speed of light (and as if suddenly having regained all his spent energy), Genji jolted out of the practice room before Hanzo could even reconsider. The older Shimada's eyes followed Genji until he was out of sight. Hanzo sighed again and picked up the sword that his little brother didn't store back, cleaning up in his stead.

As he walked out of the dojo, an attendant was just approaching him and carried news. "Greetings, young master." He said and lowered his head in respect, "the Lord is expecting you in the throne room."

"Understood." Hanzo replied, "I will change into a more appropriate attire before I shall meet him."

He dismissed the servant and went on his way to his chambers. His head was clouded with thoughts about his brother's devotion to training and whether he was taking his duties seriously or not. He was worried about Genji.

His father had specifically asked him to guide Genji. Since his mother had died long ago, shortly after Genji was born, he and the nursing mothers in the past were the only ones who truly raised the young ninja. He felt responsible for everything that his little brother did and he whole-heartedly loved him.

Hanzo reached the wing where his chambers, bathing room and garden were. He was considering to have a quick bath before he would go to Father, but he figured that having a bath prepared would take too long. He wouldn't want to keep him waiting, so he hurried to his chambers and ordered the maids to get him new robes. As the maids were retrieving his robes, Hanzo's eyes wandered through his room and rested them at a certain framed picture. In the frame was a smiling woman, who was his late mother. He walked over to the frame and sat on his knees, the seiza way.

"Hahaue- I mean, mom... Genji improved lots today. I hope I wasn't too hard on him. He knows I only want the best for him." He softly said, his eyes glued on the picture, "I'll do my best for you, mom. I hope you're proud of us." He was only pulled back from his mother-son time until his servants presented his clothes to him.

Hanzo jumped back on his feet and he waved the maids away after taking the clothes. His father was waiting; he had better hurry.

Laughter came from the throne room. Not only his father's but also someone's whose voice Hanzo didn't recognize. He was wondering to himself a split second before two attendants opened the doors for him.

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