Chapter 6: The duty and burden

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"Since we have... Met this afternoon, I believe an introduction is only necessary for my second son."

Sojiro ordered tea to be poured into the Tsukiyama envoy's cup. A young maid hurriedly walked over.

"This is Genji."

Suiren nodded at the young Shimada, who sat on the opposite side next to his older brother. She pretended like she hadn't seen him before, since the encounter at noon was to be held a little secret.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Young Master Genji." Suiren took the effort to stand curtsey. Hanzo didn't need to look at his brother to figure out that he's head over heels already. 

"Unbelievable." He thought.

The food had already been ordered to be served. As the dishes appeared on everyone's tables, Sojiro took the opportunity to start.

"As you know, my sons, Miss Tsukiyama is here with us today to represent the Lady." Sojiro said. "She will speak for her." 

The Shimada brothers looked at the young woman, but one looked at her with admiration and the other in curiosity. And maybe also admiration.

"Yes, that is right, Lord Shimada." She said, wearing a modest smile. "The Lady will visit the Shimada castle in six days. I shall accompany her that day. I will not discuss the marriage arrangements, as I am not in the position to do so. Our Lady will speak for herself. However, what I am able to say is that I will be her personal assistant after her marriage."

"Hm? Assistant?" Hanzo commented. He found it a more... Honorable word for 'attendant'. As the niece of the Lord of the Tsukiyama house, wasn't it a bit low to be a mere maid? 

As if Suiren could read his mind, she gave everyone a follow up. "I shall be there for her as her advisor and bodyguard, so I would like to make humble request."

"Please do tell." Sojiro sounded amused. Hanzo bet that his father was glad that he was going to have Suzuran's child near him.

"I would like to stay close to the Lady, so I would like to request a small room close to hers. A maid's room will do just fine."

"But, my child, that will not do!"

Genji and Hanzo looked at their father in surprise, just like Suiren.

"As my daughter-in-law's cousin, I can not give you a maid's room. Do not worry, Suiren, the appropriate arrangements will be made.

Suiren wanted to protest, but she was interrupted by Sojiro. "We can continue talk about business during desserts. I have prepared a treat. Come, let us eat first!"

An hour or three later, the dinner came to an end. The sun had disappeared and it was time to walk Suiren out. Genji and Suiren were already outside, while Hanzo was on his way.

Genji felt shy around her and he felt like putting a lot of effort in behaving himself around her. He wanted to impress her. He took a deep breath and looked at her in the eyes. He was disappointed in himself, because he wasn't able to look at her in the eyes for more than a few seconds. He diverted his eyes. Her eyes were confronting, as if exposing all of him, as if she could see through everything.

"So, uh, Miss Suiren," he said, stumbling over his tongue. He hit himself in his mind. "Your phone- I mean, do you- can I have your number?"

Suiren chuckled at his clumsiness. She found it adorable. "I will have to disappoint you, Young Master Genji." She replied. "I can not enjoy the luxury of owning a mobile telephone."

"Is- Is that so?" Genji was disappointed.

Hanzo arrived at the awkward scene, but he missed the happenings. He was completely oblivious. "Miss Suiren, will you do me a favor and bring this to the Lady?"

He handed a wrapped package over to her. "It is a gift."

"How thoughtful of you, Young Master Hanzo." Suiren smiled. "I will safely hand this to her."

"Then, this is the moment we will part." Hanzo nodded at the envoy, feeling a lot more comfortable than the moment he just met her. Knowingly that she was somehow acquainted with his father, he felt he could trust her. 

"We will meet in six days, Young Masters." Suiren bowed deeply and left the castle grounds.

"Six days." Hanzo whispered to himself. He frowned and went back inside, leaving his brother behind.

"Hey, aniki?" Genji quickly caught up to him. He had trouble keeping up with his older brother's large steps.

"Yes, what is it?"

"I can... Understand how weird it is to actually marry."

"Oh, do you?" He wanted to sound more friendly, but it came out too snobby.

"Yeah, I mean, I can't imagine marrying someone if I were you, since I'm pretty... You know... 'Dynamic'."

Hanzo stopped, making Genji bump into his back. Just then, he realized how mature Hanzo had become and how childish he was. Hanzo was taller and his shoulders were broader than his. Genji became extremely self-conscious.

"I will not lecture you about your behavior anymore, little brother." Hanzo's voice sounded sincere, almost frail. He turned around to face Genji. "I will marry soon and walk in chichiue's footsteps. The Empire will be in te center of my mind at all times, but promise me to find happiness in my stead. The Empire will become my duty and burden - and mine alone - but as long as someone close to me is happy, my heart will somewhat warm."

Genji was caught off guard. He was speechless. Before he could say that he truly wanted to help his brother, Hanzo walked away. 

"Aniki..." Genji's feet were nailed to the ground as he watched Hanzo disappear in the corridors of the large, cold Shimada castle.


Aniki - 'Bro'.
Chichiue - Very formal and antiquated way form of 'father'.

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