Chapter 10 The Breaking News

Start from the beginning

"Hello everyone" they all said in synch and we all turned around to meet the different faces of five girls.




~ Samantha ~

One month.

Four weeks.

Thirty days.

Seven hundred twenty hours.

It has been one month since Austin left for the red tour but it seems like he's been gone for a decade. I know that sounds exaggerated but that's really what it feels like.

I feel so awful without him but so far I am doing good. I can cook my own food and do some chores. I even started to go to the doctor last week and consult her on what should I do and she also informed me what to do and what not to do.

My baby bump is getting bigger but not to the point that I cannot move freely. According to my doctor, it is still okay and normal for me to do basic chores like sweeping or doing the dishes because this is a good exercise for me. I've been eating healthy foods lately and so far I am feeling much better compared before.

Whenever I am thinking of Austin, I would feel sad again but I'm trying not to be weak because I made my promise. He's been calling me whenever he has free time but that's just barely and when he has time it is just a short call because he is really busy with rehearsals for the tour.

If it comes to my mom, I haven't heard of her since the night that she left. I've been calling her but she's not answering her phone. It makes me think that maybe she is happy with her life right now and that she forgot about her only daughter.

I just finished sweeping the living room floor waiting for the phone to ring so that I can talk to Austin already. I missed him so much.

"It's so boring" I sighed "what should I do?" you get me? Im talking to myself sometimes, I'm not crazy okay? and I think its just normal for people to have a conversation with themselves. Right?


See? My subconscious answered me.

Oh shut up! To kill time just turn on the television and watched something entertaining.

And that's how I find myself, sitting comfortably on the couch with a tub of ice cream. Is ice cream bad for the baby? Hmm might as well ask my doctor on my appointment next time.

"What to watch. What to watch" I mumbled, switching to different channels

ugh. There is nothing good to watch. All these reality shows are so overrated.

"Might as well just enjoy my ice cream all to myself."

"BREAKING NEWS " I don't know why but something is pulling me to focus on this breaking news, so I stopped eating my ice cream and watched intently.

"Singer, song-writer and performer, Austin Mahone was caught eating ice cream and strolling with the fifth harmony member Camila Cabello being sweet with one another. Is there a possibility that these two are dating? If yes I'm sure they will make a cute couple." the annoying voice of the reporter said over the tv

I know this is just a stupid rumor, I should not believe this. I know Austin can't and won't do this to me.

I went back to eating my ice cream but once again interrupted by a video showing Austin and Camila together, and by looks of them they are enjoying each others presence.

"No, Austin can't do this to me, I know he can't"

but what if its true?

"No I trust him"

you'll never know. If he really didn't do that to you why is he not calling you yet?

"Because hes busy"

busy? But he has time to hangout with Camila?

"Just shut up, you are not helping"

oh honey, if I were you I will find out what really happened because the video looks so real and he looks so happy.

Many things are running on my mind right now, I feel like fainting. I couldn't breath. Please someone tell me this is just a joke.

Just call and asked him to find out yourself.

And that's exactly what I did. I dialed Austin's number and waited for him to pick up the phone.

First ring.

"Pick up" I said impatiently

Second ring. Nothing

"Oh come on Austin"

Third ring. Still nothing

"Please pick up your phone Austin, I need to talk to you"

Fourth ring. He picked up.. My heart is racing heck I think I am hyperventilating.

"Hello" my heartbeat stopped, its not Austin because Austin has a low voice and this one has a high pitched voice that belongs to a girl

oh no.

"hello? Who's this??" don't you dare 'who's this' me!

"No. Who is this?" I said through gritted teeth and I know for sure my face is boiling red because of anger.

Please tell me this is not Camila. Plea--

"Its Camila"

oh shit Sherlock.

Poor Samantha. Tsk tsk

Well hi everyone! Its been a long time :) thanks for patiently waiting for me to update!! and sorry for all my grammatically errors its just that English is not my first language. So don't judge. AND I DONT PROOFREAD MY WORKS.

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Twitter: @acmpizzaunicorn

Edited: 03/12/17

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