I cut off Kihyun, "Mom!" It was meant to come out more whiny, but it ended up as a weird angry growl I had never produced before; perhaps the product of irritation and sadness. "It's none of your business, stop it."

"He's right. You're making him uncomfortable," Dad intervened, calmly but firmly. "It's great to hear you're in a relationship with someone, Kihyun. I hope it all goes well between the two of you."

Kihyun smiled, and I guess it clicked for him too. "Thank you, Sir."

Dinner luckily continued to go smoothly as the conversation shifted somewhere between the strongest animal on Earth and the Avengers in order of intelligence (?). We helped do the dishes, and once everybody had returned to the living room, I stopped at the doorway.

"We're gonna go upstairs and play some games. My hands are aching for a game."

Youngjae shot me a look (( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)) and even Kihyun took a couple steps back, laughing.

"Okay, we'll be here," Jaeun winked. "yell if anything..they dig it." Behind her, Doyoung nodded and I snorted.

"What?" Mom asked, and neither of us stuck around long enough to hear their excuse, sprinting upstairs and into my room.

"Welcome to my humble abode," I opened the door. "it's a bit of a mess but, so am I and you like me so."

"It's nice. It looks like you."

"Define that."

"I don't know," he sat at my infamous window seat. "the posters, the books and the vinyls, the slight smell of cinnamon and..is that my jumper?"

"No, I jumped in the way of the burgundy jumper hanging from my bedroom door. "but, I guess it is like me."

I laid on my bed and he did the same, arms wrapped securely around me. "Won't anybody walk in?"

"My door has to be pushed a couple of times before it opens. Enough time for one of us to move away," I chuckled, landing a kiss on his lips. "we're in the clear. Just about, Mom nearly had us."

"I was actually gonna say no when she asked if I was gay, because I'm not, I'm pansexual," he said. "but thanks for sticking up for me."

"I think my Dad knows; he gave me a look, and it was one of the looks he does when he thinks he's being subtle." I replied. "I know he'll be okay with it, but my Mom.."

"That's going to be a tough one, but we can think about that later," I moved my head to his chest, and his hands were now gently playing with my hair. "don't fall asleep, I don't know how I'll explain that."

I sighed. "It's okay, I won't, promise."

Yoo Kihyun

He lied. All it took was minutes of playing with his hair to be greeted with gentle snores in the midst of silence. I looked away from my phone, watching as he shuffled, his face now visible. My hand dropped, similarly to my jaw as I just appreciated how effortlessly beautiful he was at that very moment.

From the way his eyelashes laid perfectly when his eyes closed, to how he slept with his lips slightly parted; he looked perfect.
I slowly combed a hand through his hair front to back, exposing his forehead and eyebrows & causing his hair to become messy.

Even then, I still felt like time had slowed to a standstill, and honestly, I would be more than happy if we could stay trapped in that moment forever. Like the pretty snow globes you get around the holiday seasons, I wish we could become one; my boyfriend sleeping on my legs as I watched on fondly.

However that peace and serenity was short lived; the door budged half open and my shock woke him up immediately. I rolled off the bed, standing around awkwardly before I landed in his desk chair.

"I wouldn't-" Changkyun tried to warn me but it was much too late, for the chair had already broken underneath my ass due to how hard I landed on it. I fell back, lamely rolling off the chair onto the carpet.

"Oh my God," his sister, Jaeun, quickly padded over, kneeling down. "Are you okay?"

I grunted, sitting up. "Ah, I'll be fine. It was a tiny fall."

It was at that moment that Changkyun fell back on the bed with laugher, mumbling something about if you had seen yourself but never quite coming close to finishing since he was literally rolling with laughter.


We stood just outside his house, hugging for a few minutes as I prepared to leave. "You should come over more often." Changkyun innocently smiled, the dim porch light reflecting on his eyes. 

"I hopefully will," I smiled. "and I won't break any chairs."

He giggled again, still not quite over his laughter from earlier. "It's okay. It's been long coming."

"I wanted to ask you something," I interlaced our fingers. "and you're more than welcome to say no, but I-"

"I do." He blurted, and after several moments of silent confusion, I snorted with laughter.

"Not yet," I said. "I have Eunho's wedding coming up, and I thought it would be a nice way to introduce you but-"

I was silenced the moment his hands squished my cheeks together. "Sure, I'll comes It will be great fun! I was going to ask if you wanted to come to Jaeun's wedding as my date too. It's in two months."

"Count me in. I should probably go, I've probably raised enough hell in your household today, plus you have school tomorrow," I beamed, quickly peering around us before pulling him in for one last kiss. "I'll message you when I get home?"

"Sure," the unshakable Changkyun was officially shook, cheeks tinted a cute baby pink. "hey, Kihyun?"

I was halfway into the car when he said my name. "I really like you."

"Well, that isn't good is it?" now the two of us were shook.

"Why's that?" He asked.

"Well, Changkyun," I looked down the road, then back to him. "I think I love you."

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