Chapter 30

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(5 years later)
"A little more to the left," Regina guided Emma, as she hung the last corner of a hand-made banner above the door. Regina put her hands on her hips and looked up at it contentedly.
"Perfect." She smiled. Emma grinned and also looked proudly at her handy work. She'd spent all morning making this banner and it had to be just right. The blonde was just climbing down from the step ladder, when she heard an excited squeal and little footsteps coming straight for her.
"Momma! Momma!" Their beautiful daughter, Thalia, ran towards her mothers, stumbling a little as she was still getting used to using her legs properly.
"Hey, monkey!" Emma laughed and picked up her little girl, who was giggling excitedly. Emma began teasing Thalia and tickling her, causing even more laughter. Regina watched lovingly, before joining in and tickling Emma from behind. The blonde jumped and laughed uncontrollably, as she tried to tickle back, with Thalia still on her hip. They all ended up in a pile on the floor, giggling at each other. Regina smiled and cuddled Thalia, as Emma put her arms around them both. Regina had practically forgotten her scary, frantic and pretty horrifying past for this precise reason. She felt safe and loved. She had a family that would never leave her and she was happier than ever. Suddenly the doorbell rang and they all sprung to their feet - well Thalia wobbled a bit, but she tried anyway. Regina opened the door and there he was.
"Henry!" She said, hugging him tightly. Emma then hugged him too and ruffled his hair, like she always used to.
"Hen hen!" Thalia squeezed between her moms and ran into Henry's arms.
"Hey, little sis." Henry said, lovingly. They all walked into the house and Henry laughed when he saw the banner. It read, in painted letters, 'Welcome Home Henry!' But it had suspicious looking hand-prints all over it.
"Thalia tried to help." Emma sighed. Henry smiled at Emma and then looked down at Thalia.
"I never knew you were such an artist, T!" Thalia clapped her hands in delight and just giggled, playfully. Regina lead them all to the living room where they seemed to talk for hours and hours. They talked mainly about Henry and his life away at university. His mothers were especially interested to hear about his new girlfriend, Violet, but Henry just smiled and his cheeks turned pink whenever she was mentioned. Finally, Henry managed go change the subject from him to his mothers.
"So, moms, I've been thinking about something. Your wedding. I think you've waited long enough to get married." Henry said hopefully. Emma sighed. She knew he was right, but they were so busy with Thalia and they were just coming to the end of Reginas therapy and life was just starting to fall into place. She didn't want to upset that.
"Henry. You know we are extremely busy..." Emma began.
"No mom. You see you keep making excuses, but you deserve this day to celebrate your love. Its been too long since you got engaged and I'm not the only one still waiting to see you married." Henry argued. He watched as Regina and Emma looked at each other. Then Regina said something Emma was definitely not expecting.
"You're right Henry. I think we should start planning the wedding. We have waited long enough and would like to marry you, Emma Swan." Emma smiled, got up from her seat and hugged Regina tightly.
"Lets start planning a wedding!" The blonde whispered excitedly, still with her arms around Regina. Thalia began clapping her little hands again and Henry joined in.
"Finally!" He laughed and joined their cuddle. They were just getting up, when the doorbell rang.
"Ill go." Regina said as she rushed off to see who was visiting them. She opened the door and just stared in complete shock at the woman standing before her.
"Who is it, babe?" She heard Emma shout, but she couldn't reply. She then heard footsteps coming towards her, before feeling Emma's hand rest on her waist. She felt instantly more relaxed, with Emma by her side. The blonde was just about to question this mysterious stranger, when a flushed Zelena ran through the gate and up the pathway. She looked at Regina and said breathlessly,
"I tried to stop her. I'm sorry." Still the woman just smiled sweetly, waiting for Regina to react.
"I'm sorry, who are you?" Emma asked. The woman just ignored her.
"Hello, Regina." She smiled, still pretending Emma wasn't there. Regina still just stared. After a few minutes of silence she managed to speak.
"Mother?" Regina asked, "What are you doing here?"


Authors Note: So its finally finished! I can't really believe it! I want to thank everyone for reading, it means the world to me! I haven't decided whether or not to write a sequel yet so comment if you want one. Thanks again! Lots of love ❤ 

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