Chapter 7

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"HENRY!" Emma yelled up the stairs. She ran up them to find him leaning against the front door. His key was in his bag, which he'd left on the pavement. He saw Emma and turned away from her. He was too angry to speak to her.
"Henry. Please I can explain..." Emma began, but Henry interrupted her.
"Yeah, Mom. You can explain. Because I just saw you standing very close to my... my... well to that woman! What the hell is going on?!" He was screaming so loudly by the end, she was worried the neighbours would come out.
"Look, kid. She was brought to the station by David, accused of stealing. When she saw me she talked about you. That's when I found out who she was. One day I went to work and she was screaming in her cell. I comforted her. Then David... he... got angry with me and hurt her. I stayed with her in hospital and I... I..."
"You fell in love with her." Henry finished. He fell to the ground and sat with is head in his hands. Emma looked at him. In love with her? No, they barely knew eachother.  He was wrong.
Buzz buzz. Buzz buzz. Emma's mobile continued to ring. She just stared at it. It was a moment later before she decided it would be best to answer.
"Hello." She grumbled.
"Emma! Hello. I have to speak to Henry. Emma he doesn't understand. What they told him isn't true. And I have to speak to you. You haven't contacted me in days. I miss you." Regina babbled down the phone. Emma sighed.
"Goodbye Regina." She said before hanging up. She couldn't deal with her right now. Regina didn't deserve her time. She lied. To Emma about everything. Henry told her after he saw them together that he was only taken out of her care, because she went crazy. She started trying to bring Henry's toys to life and telling him all about magic and how it was real and that he could use it someday. Then, Henry had said, that she went to far one day and whilst mixing things together in her sink to make a 'potion' she almost blew her house down. The thing had exploded and caused her serious injury. The police then had to tell people she tried to kill herself. She was nuts. Emma never wanted to see her again. Ever.
Regina: Emma
Regina: Emma talk to me.
Regina: Emma please.
Regina: You don't understand.
Regina: You have to let me explain.
Emma: Explain what?
Regina: Everything
Emma: Not interested
Regina: Just give me a chance.
Regina: Come over for a drink and I'll explain.
Emma: Fine. See you in 5 mins.
Emma rang the doorbell and waited for the Mayor. The door opened and Emma pushed her way inside before Regina could say anything.
"Shoot." She said. Regina stared at her blankly. Emma began to tap her foot and Regina continued to stand just twiddling her thumbs.
"Look. I came here to listen. I'm listening. Get on with it." She waited as Regina ran her fingers through her short brown hair. Emma tried not to love it so much. Then the brunette showed Emma to the kitchen where she began pacing. Emma just sat down and watched her.
"Regina. I don't have all night." She said frankly. Regina sighed and sat beside her.
"Emma. This is going to be hard for me. I've never told anyone this. But I trust you." She gave Emma a weak smile, but the blonde just looked back at her, confused and concerned.
"My mother used to tell me I was to be queen. She said that in a far off land I was to be ruler. And of course as a child I believed her. Then I grew up. She still drummed on about etiquette and being a proud queen, until one day I snapped at her. I said 'Mother. I'm fed up of your fairy stories. There are no other worlds and I shall never be queen!'" Regina paused. Emma touched her arm and she took a deep breath and continued. "My mother beat me that night. And many other nights. In fact everytime I questioned her story I was punished. I was to be queen. It was all I ever knew. Magic and potions. I forgot it after she died. Eventually. And when I got Henry I never told him stories. I never mentioned magic to him." Emma stopped her.
"But Henry said you forced him to try and use magic." Emma exclaimed, slightly confused.
Regina laughed slightly, "Well apparently I did. Apparently I also almost killed myself."
"Apparently?" Emma questioned.
"I did it in my sleep Emma. During my night terrors. I couldn't control them. That's why they took Henry." She broke down and began crying hysterically. Emma cuddled her close, suddenly understanding.
"It wasn't your fault." She whispered, "None of it was your fault."

Lost and Found: A SwanQueen Story Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz