Chapter 1

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Emma put Henry's pop tarts on a plate and then on the kitchen table.
"Henry!" She yelled up the stairs.
"Coming!" He replied instantly. She heard his feet running down the stairs. She waited in suspense to see him in his new school uniform. He rushed round the corner and smiled at his mom. Emma looked at him, tears coming to her eyes.
"Oh, Henry! You look so smart! Now eat your pop tarts, you don't want to be late!" He smiled again and sat down to enjoy his breakfast. After a few minutes Emma walked back in holding his back pack and scarf.
"Come on, kid! Time to go." She smiled as he took his bag and went to get into her yellow bug. The drive was unusually quiet and Emma thought it was probably just because Henry was nervous. She dropped him at school, giving him a quick kiss and then headed over to the station where David was waiting.
"Hey, Dad! Are you in here?" Emma called out for her father who was no where to be seen.
"Emma, I'm in here!"
She followed his voice to the interrogation room, where David was sat opposite a beautiful brunette in handcuffs. It took Emma a moment to realise who it was.
"Madame Mayor? Dad what's going on?" She looked at him in confusion. It was a moment before he replied.
"She has stolen some money from the town. Well, we think she has. We are collecting the evidence now. Graham is at her office with her secretary, Mal."
Emma looked from her Mayor to David, taken aback.
"I didn't." The Mayor spoke for the first time. Emma had never really met her before and instantly noticed how smooth and gorgeous her voice sounded. Though she quickly snapped out of it, as she spoke again.
"Henry. I have to speak to Henry." At this Emma pulled out her gun and held it up to the Mayors head.
"What the hell are you talking about? What do want with Henry?" The Mayor turned her head to face Emma and spoke slowly.
"He's my son." She said with confidence.
"No. He's MY son! MINE! What the hell are you on about?!" Emma felt the anger bubbling inside her as she prepared to pull the trigger of the still-aimed gun.
"He was adopted for ten years," the Mayor began, "Then you decided what you did was wrong! They came and took him from  me! Just like that! I had no say, nor did Henry! I raised him! You don't deserve him!" She screamed, tears streaming down her face as she spoke. Emma just stared at her in silence.
"Okay if thats true then why now?" She finally said, "That was five years ago. Why do you want to suddenly see him again now?" The Mayor looked uncomfortable all of sudden. She shifted in her seat and more tears fell from her bloodshot eyes.
"I want an answer." Emma pushed. David stood up deciding it would be best to let Emma deal with her.
"I... I was ill." She stammered. More tears fell from her eyes. Emma looked expectantly waiting for more.
"I was severely depressed an...and I tried to kill myself several times. I wasn't allowed anywhere near him. They thought I was mad." She broke down in tears. Emma felt so much sympathy for the woman, but stood strong.
"Please... I have to see him." She begged. Emma stared at her and sighed.
"No. You're a theif." She said walking out of the room, leaving the Mayor alone.

Authors Note:
To anyone reading this for the first time you will notice that the chapters are pretty short. This is my first story so I kind of struggled at the beginning, but I promise they get a bit longer. Please keep reading and I hope you enjoy it! Thank you so much

Lost and Found: A SwanQueen Story Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon