Chapter 12

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Regina woke up on her plush cream sofa, still with a tear stained face. She felt immediately sick as she remembered everything that had happened. And even more so when she remembered what David had said.
"I'll come back and dispose of you." Regina whispered David's words aloud to herself. She whimpered a little and then decided that if she couldn't live and be with Emma, then she'd rather not live at all, so it didn't matter what David did. She sat for a while in thought and it occurred to her that David definitely forgave her. He'd understood, all those years ago when it happened. What had suddenly changed his mind? What had made him behave so violently? Especially when it caused Emma's unhappiness and Mary Margaret's hatrid towards him. What could have made him want to ruin it all for himself? She gasped, standing suddenly. He had a twin, she thought. HE HAD A TWIN! She ran for her coat and began run-speed-walking to Mary Margaret's apartment. She figured Emma wouldn't listen to her, but Mary Margaret might.
"His twin?" Mary Margaret questioned her theory. Thankfully 'David' wasn't there, after the fight last night Mary Margaret had kicked him out. Regina was trying to explain what she thought, but Mary Margaret was a little unsure.
"Yes!" Regina said encouragingly, "It would explain all the violence, my fake arrest, wanting to destroy Emma's happiness. That just isn't David. You must have been suspicious."
"I was, but I never said anything. Then when he invited you all over for dinner I thought it was all going back to normal, but obviously it wasn't. It must be his brother! What do we do?" She leant towards Regina, as if they were about to make secret plans.
"Talk to the twin. Force him to give us information. Threaten him. I don't know! But we can't tell Emma, until we've found David. I don't think she'll believe me..." Regina's voice trailed away in sadness.
"Okay." Mary Margaret agreed, putting her hand on Regina's, "Let's go and find my husband and get you back with your true love." Regina smiled and as she stood up she thought of something.
"I know!" She declared, "We'll call it 'Operation Gemini'. Perfect!" She was proud of herself, but Mary Margaret looked at her in a confused manner.
"Gemini means double personality. Like good and evil. We have to find the good brother." She tried to explain, "Never mind let's go find the trickster twin!"
Emma sat alone in her room. She was in the middle of her bed staring at the wall, surrounded by tissues, food packets and the note David had given her. She'd had to read it several times, before accepting the fact that it was all his master plan to break up her and Regina. Oh, Regina. She missed her more than ever, but knew it was over. She couldn't be with a murderer. She could never love the woman who murdered her own grandfather. But she did. That was the problem she had to face. She was head over heals in love with Regina and now she was gone. Her parents had undoubtedly split up and Henry had only spoken to her to offer her food or ask for food. Her life was a mess. And it was all Regina's fault. In a way Emma wished she had never looked into those deep, brown eyes or kissed her soft lips, but now she yearned for them and knew she wouldn't change a thing. She had to fix this. She had to fix everything.

Authors Note: Sorry I have been really busy and forgot to update! I hope you enjoy this part! Thank you for reading ❤

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