Chapter 21

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Regina felt something gently tap her hand. She flicked her eyes open. The door was closed and there was no sign of Emma. She looked down and shook her head, as she saw the paper aeroplane. She picked it up and unfolded it slowly. Inside, written in the blondes almost unreadable handwriting it said: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and you are my strength. Let me be yours... Regina smiled to herself and allowed a tear to slip down her cheek. Emma Swan... such a cliché. Such a beautiful, amazing, wonderful cliché. And one Regina couldn't take down with her. She crumpled up the note and threw it to the corner of the room. She wasn't going to break Emma too.
Two weeks later and Emma was lost for ideas. She was at a complete loss! Nothing was working. Everything she gave Regina ended up back in her own hands. Her parents were getting the message, but Emma refused to believe it was the end. Mary Margaret had told Emma it was time to move on and they'd both had to have an awful conversation with Henry, explaining to him that there wasn't much chance of a recovery. It was all starting to take its toll on Emma. She couldn't eat. She couldn't sleep. She hadn't showered in days. She didn't know what to do. Of course she still loved Regina. In fact she had dreams that they were together, even visions of her favourite memories with her that brought her to tears, but she couldn't go on like this. It was time to face facts. The Regina, Emma loved was gone and there was no sign of her coming back. So Emma got up one morning and headed to the hospital. She had to say goodbye...
She walked through the door to see Tink busy talking to Belle; the woman she'd met briefly a couple of weeks ago. It sounded as though they were arguing.
"When will he be able to come home!?"
"Belle! He is in no fit state to go anyway for at least a few weeks, possibly months yet."
"But I need him! I can't continue on through life pretending he isn't in this awful place!" Emma coughed lightly, causing their attention to be drawn to her. She looked at Tink, but noticed she couldn't meet her eye. Then she looked back to Belle.
"Is it your boyfriend?" Emma asked. Belle stared at her unsure what to say.
"Is it your boyfriend they have stuck in this hell hole?" Emma tried. Belle shook her head slowly.
"No. My father," She said it in almost a whisper, "My husband runs a pawn shop on mainstreet." She added. Emma nodded, before looking back to Tink, who still couldn't look her in the eyes.
"How is she?" Emma said. Tink glanced towards Belle who got the message straight away.
"I'll be going then..." She stammered awkwardly, then wandered away. Once she'd gone Tink looked back to Emma.
"She had a night terror last night. Worse than anything I've seen." Emma held her breath and took a step backwards. Not again.
"She was screaming, but this time she was saying words. She was shouting about a woman, I think. Cora?" Emma shook her head. She didn't know anyone named Cora. Tink nodded, understanding.
"Well, whoever this Cora is..." She began again.
"I know whoever this Cora is." A perfectly refined British accent flowed into the room, causing both Tink and Emma to jump and spin around to look towards the door. A tall, red-haired woman, dressed almost head to toe in green was stood just in front of them. They kept looking from her to eachother in utter confusion. The stranger rolled her eyes, before announcing herself.
"My name is Zelena. Zelena Mills. I'm Regina's sister." Emma looked down the corridor at Regina's lonesome cell. It was the furthest one down, yet Zelena seemed to follow her glance and read her name, printed outside the door. She took a deep breath in as if taking it all in. Tink stepped forward.
"How did you get in? You didn't ring the bell? Not anyone can come in here you know." Zelena turned her attention to Tink, who folded her arms slowly.
"I know someone here. He let me in. He had a pass he could scan," Zelena sighed, "Now can I please do what I came here to do and see my sister?" She said, then began walking towards the cell. Emma managed to push in front of her though and stood guarding the door. Zelena sighed again. Emma turned to face the peice of scrap metal separating her and her girlfriend. She slid open the shutter and peered inside. Regina was sat bolt upright staring at the wall. Emma almost screamed at the sight. Regina looked as though she were hypnotised. The blonde stumbled backwards and lent against the opposite wall. Zelena watched her, worried, before taking a look inside herself. She gasped and tears built in her eyee. She tapped lightly on the glass and Regina flicked her eyes to the window for a second. Then she looked back. Realising it was Zelena she jumped up and ran to the window. She began banging on the door.
"Zelena! Help! Get her out! Cora! Cora! Get her out!" Emma stepped forward again when she saw Regina so distressed. Then she turned to Zelena.
"Who the hell is Cora?" She said. Zelena didn't take her eyes off Regina.
"Our mother."

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