Chapter 16

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Emma's eyes flickered open. She turned over to see Regina lying beside her still asleep. She smiled. Regina was so beautiful when she was asleep. It reminded her of what she'd thought when she first saw her asleep in the cell. So peaceful and gorgeous. She suddenly realised Regina could have a night terror any second. Emma sighed unsure what to do. Finally she came to the decision to wake Regina before she could have one. But just as she went to gently shake her shoulders, Regina sat bolt upright and started screaming. Emma tried to calm her down, but Regina wouldn't wake up. Instead she jumped out of the bed and ran downstairs, still asleep. Emma shouted for her and followed her down. The blonde ran into the kitchen and came to sudden stop. Regina was stood staring at her with a sharp knife in her hand. Oh, God. Emma put her hands up as if to defend herself and began talking to her girlfriend slowly.
"Regina, please. Its me; Emma. It's alright. I'm not going to hurt you. It's just a nightmare. Please, put the knife down. Put it down, Regina." But Regina lifted it up and dived at Emma who managed to jump out of the way, only getting a slight cut on her arm. Emma cried out at the pain and again when she saw the blood dripping down her arm. Regina didn't seem to care. She was still asleep. She lifted the knife above Emma, who was now on her knees on the kitchen floor.
"I love you, Regina." She said, "No matter what I love you." All of a sudden Regina fell to the floor, beside Emma. She took a deep breath, as she woke up. Tears were building in her eyes, as she sat up and looked around. She screamed when she saw Emma beside her bleeding. And then broke down completely when she saw the knife at her side. Emma tried to comfort her and tell her it was alright, she was fine, but Regina couldn't even look at her.
"Emma.... I could have killed you. I told you... I'm a monster." Then she ran out the room and Emma heard her being sick in the bathroom. She ran to where Regina was sitting, her face pale, beside the toilet. Regina was weak, but backed away. In response Emma moved closer.
"Regina. It's okay. I'm not afraid. It wasn't your fault."
"No, Emma!" Regina screamed suddenly, "You should be afraid! Because I'm afraid! I almost killed you! This time you have to arrest me. Properly. In fact, no! Take me to the hospital! They have cells for people like me..."
"REGINA!" Emma shouted, causing Regina to stop. "There is no way I am locking you up. Never again. I'm not losing you." Emma cried. She thrust herself at Regina, who couldn't help but hug her back. After a few seconds though she pushed her away.
"I'm sorry, Emma, but you have to. If I ever hurt you I wouldn't be able to live with myself. And I already have! Look at your arm! I did that! I'm evil!" Regina started wiping away the blood from Emma's arm. The cut was quite deep and had bled a lot. Emma had almost forgotten about it. She took a look at it and sighed in annoyance. She knew it would probably need stitches, but how could she go to the hospital? It would only make things worse.
"You're not evil. I love you. The real you. Not the person who you are when you're asleep. I love you, Regina." Regina shook her head.
"You can't. I have to be locked away. You have to forget about me." Regina jumped up and ran straight out the front door. Emma followed her, but she was too slow. Regina was gone.

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