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The next day was spent lounging around and cleaning up from the party. Logan, Jack, Josh, Lexie and Paige stayed to help too. Everyone went home last night, even mum's family.

"I'm just suprsied Tia didn't have a fit when she saw Jack." Paige picked up a glass from the conservatory and brought it to the dishwasher.

We have the same process as what me and Logan had the time after the garden party.

"I know. I had a full on conversation with him aswell!" I said sarcastically.

No one really seems to understand that I'm over him. It's a bit weird having a crush on my uncles twenty three year old best friend when I have a boyfriend. Just a tiny bit weird.

"Oh my god Tia!" Lexie didn't pick up the sarcasm.

"Maybe they'll get together!" Paige didn't either.

"Exscuse me her boyfriend is right here." Logan gestured to him self.

"Yes, I'm perfectly fine with Logan." I stopped their craziness.

"Oh. I forgot about Logan." Paige scowled at him.

"It's not my fault she prefers someone her age instead of someone way older." Logan defended.

"Oh yeah, there's an age gap." Lexie tutted.

"Obviously!" I laughed.

"What did Zoe say about the ring?" Josh asked.

"She loves it." I smiled.

"Good." Josh smiled back.

"It's a good job you like it." Logan winked.

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