Chapter 20

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Welcome to the finale of HIPS, my personal favourite book to have written so far, and the one that you, the readers, have enjoyed too. And this is for you guys to enjoy, so please do!

(12 years later)

The two children ran through the garden, chasing each other as the sun shone upon them, warming the blades of turf underneath their bare feet.

The larger one of the two, a male with spiky hair and brown eyes that set aside his father from the rest, and the blonde hair and fair skin of his mother, chased after the brunette girl with the piercing blue eyes and fiery attitude of her mother, who laughed like her father as the boy behind her finally took her to ground and tickled long and relentlessly, causing the girl to squirm and cry out for mercy.

"Joe, please!" She cried out while still laughing, looking at said named boy, who smirked and continued on with his onslaught, not wanting to stop at any cost. "Uncle Gary will get mad at you!"

"Charlie, you know he won't get mad at me," Joe said as he finally got off of Charlie, who had to take a minute to breathe before she stood up. "You know he's too busy looking after Toby."

"Toby is inside with Crystal anyway," Charlie pointed out, sticking her tongue out at her best friend. "Uncle Ash will be with them, which means dad is somewhere else."

"That's right little one!" Both of the 11-year-olds were swept up into the air by two hulking arms, restraining them around the waist. "I'm right here!"

Both of the kids knew who that voice belonged to, as they looked up and saw one brunette male with the piercing brown eyes like his so-called 'nephew'.

Gary 'Muthafucking' Andrew Oak. One name. One nickname synonymous with one professor of a region full of the beasts called Pokémon with a fun attitude. 4 words. 9 syllables. One hell of a person.

It had been twelve years now since the Tournament of Bonds which his friend and fiancée had won that day. In that time, both he and Ash had got married, had both a boy and a girl (with another child on its way for Ash), bought new houses and found new jobs.

Sadly, Professor Oak has passed four years back, but not before he got to see Gary get married, seen his grandchildren Charlotte (Charlie she preferred to be called by) and Toby born and grow up, and seen all of the Mega Evolution and Z-Move research finish.

Gary had to take up Oak's role after his saddening demise but was happy enough too. He had worked with many of the professors, including the new professor for Sinnoh, Lucas or Professor Fir, Dawn's old friend from her childhood after Rowan retired.

Speaking of Dawn, she had retired firm contests and battling shortly after she became pregnant with her first child, Charlie, once the Tournament Of Bonds was over. Although she had received some words from Johanna about conceiving out of wedlock, Dawn was wanting to keep her child. Johanna respected her decision and did press Gary to propose and marry her soon after. And that's what they did.

Two years after the tournament, they married in a private ceremony in Pallet Town, with friends and family, before sharing a reception with the townspeople and media soon after. It was the spectacle at the time, showing how organised the town could get and was seen as the 'main' celebrity wedding of the year, and it lived up to the expectations.

"Come on, they'll all waiting." He placed the two back on the ground as they ran back up to the top of the garden where a barbecue with a lot of adults around it. Notably, a tanned raven-haired male, a fair long haired honey blonde, a tanned short brunette, a pair of lemon shaded siblings, the older male younger female, another brunette, fair as the honey blonde. Her younger brother with glasses and black hair joked with the ginger to his right-hand side, and finally, the squinted eyed male behind the barbecue drank and laughed as the food cooked in front of him.

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